Executive Order 13166
Federal Agency LEP Guidance and Language Access Plans
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Federal Agency LEP Guidance
& Language Access Plans

Each federal agency that provides financial assistance must develop guidance its recipients on the obligation to provide meaningful access to limited English proficient persons. Recipient LEP guidance documents by agency can be found below.

Corporation for National and Community Service

Department of Agriculture (pending)

Department of Commerce

Department of Defense (pending)

Department of Education

Department of Energy Department of Health and Human Services

Department of Homeland Security (pending)

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Department of Interior

Department of Justice

Emergency Preparedness

Letter from Assistant Attorney General Kim to federal agencies regarding nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin: hurricane-related issues - December 12, 2005 (PDF)


Prepared Remarks of Acting Assistant Attorney General Loretta King to the Federal Interagency Working Group on Limited English Proficiency - April 20, 2009

Letter from Acting Assistant Attorney General Loretta King to Oklahoma Attorney General advising that proposed English-only constitutional amendment might violate Title VI - April 14, 2009

Letter from Coordination and Review Section Chief Merrily Friedlander to Indiana Courts - Coordination and Review Section - February 4, 2009

Letter from Deputy Assistant Attorney General Loretta King to State Departments of Corrections
July 15, 2008

Prepared Remarks of Acting Assistant Attorney General Grace Chung Becker at the Hawaii Conference on Language Access - March 28, 2008

Letter from Assistant Attorney General R. Alexander Acosta to recipients of federal financial assistance regarding LEP materials - June 10, 2005

Letter from Assistant Attorney General Acosta to state court administrators with information about new LEP materials - April 22, 2005

Letter from Deputy Assistant Attorney General Loretta King to state court administrators regarding LEP Guidance - December 1, 2003

Letter from Assistant Attorney General Ralph Boyd to Georgia Attorney General - July 11, 2002

LEP Policy Guidance for DOJ Recipients (PDF) - June 18, 2002

Letter from Assistant Attorney General Ralph Boyd to Massachusetts Administrative Office of the Trial Courts concerning funding for court interpreters - April 12, 2002

Implementation and Compliance

New graphicMemorandum signed by the Director of Adult Institutions, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, to implement department-wide language assistance procedures - June 15, 2009

New graphicNotification to 30 California Department of Corrections Adult Institutions of new language assistance procedures, bilingual staff at each location, translated materials available - June 15, 2009

Memorandum of Understanding between the United States of America and the State of Maine Judicial Branch - September 29, 2008 - Press Release

It should be noted that, unlike the definition of limited English proficiency contained in the Department of Justice LEP Guidance, which derives its definition of LEP persons as "those individuals who have a limited ability to read, write, speak or understand English" from Title VI of the Civil Rights Act (which prohibits recipients from discriminating on the basis of race, color or national origin, and contemplates a close nexus between one's national origin and one's language), the Maine Judiciary definition of LEP includes individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. For further information on legal issues involving the deaf or hard of hearing community, please visit ADA.gov, the website of the Disability Rights Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice.

Memorandum of Agreement between USA and Town of Mattawa WA - March 18, 2008

Memorandum of Agreement between USA and Lake Worth, FL Police Department - March 13, 2007

Guidelines for Determination of Eligibility for Court-Appointed Interpretation and Translation Services
Supreme Judicial Court, State of Maine - October 11, 2006

Lost in Translation: Limited English Proficient Populations and the Police by Bharathi A. Venkatraman, Attorney, Civil Rights Division, Coordination and Review Section, US Department of Justice, April 2006.

Planning Tool: Considerations for Creation of a Language Assistance Policy and Implementation Plan for Addressing Limited English Proficiency in a Law Enforcement Agency (MS Word)
Coordination and Review Section
Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice

Planning Tool for Creating a Language Assistance Policy and Plan in a Department of Corrections
(MS Word)
Coordination and Review Section, Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice

Executive Order 13166 Limited English Proficiency Resource Document: Tips and Tools from the Field (PDF) - September 21, 2004

Language Assistance Implementation Plan for Federally Conducted Programs Pursuant to Executive Order 13166 - January 10, 2001

2008 Federal Interagency Conference on Limited English Proficiency
Bethesda, Maryland, September 3, 2008

Press Release

Welcoming letter to participants from Acting Assistant Attorney for Civil Rights Grace Chung Becker

Conference Agenda

Top Tips from Responses to the Survey of Language Access Strategies used by Federal Government Agencies

2007 Federal Interagency Conference on Limited English Proficiency
Bethesda, Maryland, March 15-16, 2007

Press Release

Announcement for Organizations: Conference on Federal Efforts to Increase Accessibility to Limited English Proficient Individuals (español)

Conference Agenda

Transcript of Remarks from Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Wan J. Kim

Department of Labor

Department of State

Department of Transportation

Department of Treasury

Department of Veterans Affairs

LEP Policy Guidance for VA Recipients PDF

Environmental Protection Agency

LEP Policy Guidance

Multilingual Websites in Korean and Vietnamese - 5/21/08

Equal Opportunity Employment Commission Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Trade Commission

General Services Administration

Institute of Museum and Library Services National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Archives and Records Administration
National Council on Disability
National Credit Union Association National Endowment for the Arts

National Endowment for the Humanities

National Science Foundation

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Office of Management and Budget

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

Railroad Retirement Board

Small Business Administration - (pending)

Social Security Administration

US Commission on Civil Rights

US Consumer Product Safety Commission

US Office of Special Counsel