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Rep. Klein Supports Bill Strengthening Volunteerism, National Service

Washington, DC -- U.S. Representative Ron Klein (FL-22) today voted to pass bipartisan legislation strengthening a variety of national service programs, including AmeriCorps. The bill, H.R. 2857, the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act, passed the House by a vote of 277-140.

“This legislation speaks to what makes this country great - Americans volunteering to give back to their communities,” Klein said. “Volunteerism is so important to helping the less fortunate, working to better one's community, and instilling a sense of patriotism and love for one's country.”

In addition to AmeriCorps, the GIVE Act reauthorizes through Fiscal Year 2012 valuable service programs such as VISTA, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, Foster Grandparent Program, and Senior Companion Program. It also creates a new service-learning program called Summer of Service, which engages youth in service through summer volunteer opportunities and provides participating students with an education award of up to $500 to be used for college preparatory work or college costs.

“Volunteers are critical to pulling our country through hard times,” Klein said. “Following the hurricanes that plagued our home state of Florida, I witnessed firsthand the overwhelming response from volunteers who came out to respond to the needs of Hurricane victims. Volunteers came together to provide these victims with clothing, food, shelter, and other items that displaced residents and families needed to get their lives back on track.”

“The GIVE Act will continue the strong tradition of volunteerism in America by increasing community service opportunities and providing new incentives for volunteering,” Klein said. “Furthermore, I am proud to support legislation that puts a premium on disaster preparedness and emergency response.”