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Klein Legislation Honoring National Teacher Day Passes House

Washington, D.C. – The House of Representatives today passed legislation authored by Rep. Ron Klein (FL-22). The legislation (H. Res. 952) calls for the creation of an official National Teacher Day to honor and celebrate American teachers.

The National Education Association recognizes May 6 as National Teacher Day. Klein’s legislation supports their effort and calls for a federal day of recognition. The legislation passed the full House by a vote of 368-0.  

“As the son of an elementary school teacher, I am especially proud of the passage of this legislation,” Klein said. “Few professionals touch as many lives as teachers do, and their compassion, sacrifice and dedication to their profession deserves national recognition.”

Speaking on the House floor, Klein said in part:

“I am sure that every one of our colleagues can identify a teacher from their past who left a significant mark on their lives. I know that I would not be where I am today without the motivation and encouragement of teachers from my past who challenged me to aspire to greater things, and pursue my dreams of public service. 

“I believe it is important to recognize the hard work of our nation’s teachers, who prepare our students to build a stronger America. The education of our children is critical to the future success of our country, and despite limited compensation and increasingly high expectations, our teachers rise to the challenge each and every day. 

“This day of recognition is critical to bringing national attention to the pressing need to invest more in our teachers and our public schools.  By providing teachers with the support, professional development and compensation they deserve, we will retain more teachers in the profession, and see significant gains in our public schools. No longer can we ask our teachers to increase their workload, and raise academic achievement without providing them with the resources they need to do so.”

To see the video of Congressman Klein’s remarks on the House floor, please click here.
