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Klein Amendment Supports Healthy Kids, Green Schools

Washington, D.C. – An amendment authored by U.S. Representative Ron Klein (FL-22) today passed the House of Representatives as part of the 21st Century Green High-Performing Public School Facilities Act (H.R. 3021). This legislation provides funds to modernize public school facilities, reduce their carbon footprints, cut their operational expenses and improve the health and safety of students and teachers. 

Klein’s amendment authorizes funds already included in the bill to be used for improving pedestrian and bicycle access to schools, including safe crosswalks, bike storage facilities and walking paths. The amendment will improve school facilities with greater bike and pedestrian access, encourage more students to bike and walk to school, and reduce the number of cars and buses on the road.

“By providing the necessary facilities for our children to safely walk or bike to school, we are giving parents peace of mind,” Klein said. “This amendment has two purposes: encouraging healthy lifestyles and taking cars off the road. Gas prices are hitting record highs every day, and American families are feeling the pain at the pump. If our kids can walk or bike to school instead of catching a ride with a parent or driving themselves, we can cut down on annual gasoline expenses for hard-working families.” 

Klein’s amendment was incorporated into the Manager’s Amendment offered by House Education and Labor Committee Chairman George Miller of California. The provision will help reduce vehicle congestion and traffic by cutting down the number of cars and buses on the road during rush hour. According to the National Highway Transportation Administration, as much as 25% of rush hour traffic can be school related.

“Keeping cars off the road helps our environment, eases the strain of high gas prices on the family budget, and reduces traffic congestion,” Klein said. “Yet there is another important benefit of encouraging children to walk or bike to school: promoting active and healthy lifestyles among our kids. We have all seen the alarming statistics on childhood obesity, and the myriad of health problems that it can cause. By promoting good habits early on, we will ensure that our kids grow up to be healthy, active adults.”  
