EPLS - Excluded Parties List System
EPLS - Excluded Parties List System

Acronyms are given below in alphabetical order by abbreviation.


Acronym Definition
AF Department of the Air Force
AID Agency for International Development
ARC Appalachian Regional Commission
ARMY Department of the Army
BBG Broadcasting Board of Governors
CCR Commission on Civil Rights
CNS Corporation for National Service
CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission
CT Cause and Treatment
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DHS-CBP Customs and Border Protection
DHS-FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
DHS-FLETC Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
DHS-HQ-PO Headquarters Procurement Operations
DHS-ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement
DHS-TSA Transportation Security Administration
DHS-USCG United States Coast Guard
DHS-USSS U.S. Secret Service
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency
DLA Defense Logistics Agency
DLA-DG Defense Logistics Agency DLA-DG
DOC Department of Commerce
DOC - BIS Bureau of Industry and Security
DOD Department of Defense
DOD-NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
DOE Department of Energy
DOE-MAS Department of Energy DOE-MAS
DOI Department of Interior
DOJ Department of Justice
DOL Department of Labor
DOT Department of Transportation
DOT-FAA Federal Aviation Administration
DOT-FHWA Federal Highway Administration
DOT-FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
DOT-FRA Federal Railroad Administration
DOT-FTA Federal Transit Administration
DOT-MARAD Maritime Administration
DOT-NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
DOT-OST Office of the Secretary/Department of Transportation
DOT-PHMSA Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Administration
DOT-RITA Research and Innovative Technology Administration
DOT-RSPA Research and Special Programs Administration
DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency
DUNS Data Universal Numbering System
ED Department of Education
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPLS Excluded Parties List System
EXIMK Export-Import Bank of the United States
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FCA Farm Credit Administration
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FEC Federal Election Commission
FLRA Federal Labor Relations Authority
FMCS Federal Mediation and Concilation Service
FTC Federal Trade Commission
GAO Government Accountability Office
GPO Government Printing Office
GSA General Services Administration
HHS Department of Health and Human Services
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUDA Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUDC Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUDP Department of Housing and Urban Development
IAE Integrated Acquisition Environment
IMLS Institute of Museum and Library Services
MDA Missile Defense Agency
MS Microsoft
NARA National Archives and Records Administration
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NAVY Department of Navy
NEA National Endowment for the Arts
NEH National Endowment for the Humanities
NGA National Gallery of Art
NIRMA National Imagery Mapping Agency
NLRB National Labor Relations Board
NNSA National Nuclear Security Administration
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NSF National Science Foundation
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OPIC Overseas Private Investment Corporation
OPM Office of Personnel Management
PC Peace Corps
PCC Panama Canal Commission
POC Point of Contact
PS Postal Service
RRB Railroad Retirement Board
SBA Small Business Administration
SDN Specially Designated National
SSA Social Security Administration
SSN Social Security Number
STATE Department of State
STATE-AOPE Department of State STATE-AOPE
TDA United States Trade and Development
TIN Taxpayer Identification Number
TREAS Department of Treasury
TREAS-DO Department of Treasury TREAS-DO
TREAS-OFAC Office of Foreign Assets Control
USDA Department of Agriculture
USDA-AMS Department of Agriculture USDA-AMS
USDA-APHIS Department of Agriculture USDA-APHIS
USDA-ARS Department of Agriculture USDA-ARS
USDA-ASA Department of Agriculture USDA-ASA
USDA-CSRES Department of Agriculture USDA-CSRES
USDA-ERS Department of Agriculture USDA-ERS
USDA-FAS Department of Agriculture USDA-FAS
USDA-FNS Department of Agriculture USDA-FNS
USDA-FS Department of Agriculture USDA-FS
USDA-FSA Department of Agriculture USDA-FSA
USDA-FSIS Department of Agriculture USDA-FSIS
USDA-GIPSA Department of Agriculture USDA-GIPSA
USDA-NASS Department of Agriculture USDA-NASS
USDA-NRCS Department of Agriculture USDA-NRCS
USDA-RBS Department of Agriculture USDA-RBS
USDA-RD Department of Agriculture USDA-RD
USDA-RHS Department of Agriculture USDA-RHS
USDA-RMA Department of Agriculture USDA-RMA
USDA-RUS Department of Agriculture USDA-RUS
USITC United States International Trade Commission
VA Department of Veterans Affairs
XML Extensible Markup Language