Advisory Committee
About the Committee
Formed in June 2007, the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee reviewed
existing scientific literature to identify sufficient evidence to develop a comprehensive
set of specific physical activity recommendations. The Committee prepared a
report in spring 2008 that documented the scientific background and rationale
for the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. The report was presented
to the Secretary of Health and Human Services and published in June 2008. Public
comment was solicited—you may view the comments submitted online and
via e-mail.
Committee Meetings
The Committee met three times to review and evaluate the scientific evidence relating
physical activity to health outcomes for the general population and selected subgroups,
such as youth, older adults, and persons with disabilities. Provided below are agendas
and minutes for each meeting, as well as relevant announcements and the final Physical
Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report.
Third Committee Meeting
The third and final scheduled meeting of the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory
Committee was held on February 28–29, 2008, at the Hubert H. Humphrey Building in
Washington, DC.
Second Committee Meeting
The second Committee meeting was held December 6–7, 2007, at the Wilbur J. Cohen
Auditorium in Washington, DC.
First Committee Meeting
The first Committee meeting was held June 28–29, 2007, at the Hubert H. Humphrey
Building in Washington, DC.
Announcement of the Availability of the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report, and a
Public Comment Period
[PDF - 52 KB]
Press Release: HHS Secretary Announces Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory
Committee Members
Announcement of Establishment of the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee
and Solicitation of Nominations for Appointment to the Committee [PDF - 50.4 KB]
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