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NOAA Fisheries


Bering Sea Habitat Conservation

The Council took action in February 2005 to conserve essential fish habitat (EFH) from potential adverse effects of fishing.  EFH is defined as those waters and substrate necessary to fish for spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity.  The EIS prepared for the action concluded that while fisheries do have long term effects on benthic habitat, these impacts were minimal and had no detrimental effects on fish populations. The Council adopted several new measures to minimize the effects of fishing on EFH in the Aleutian Islands  and Gulf of Alaska.   

The EFH EIS also evaluated a suite of alternatives for the eastern Bering Sea (EBS).  Based on that analysis, the Council determined that additional habitat protection measures in the EBS were not needed right away, and that an expanded analysis of potential mitigations measures for the EBS should be conducted prior to taking action.

Problem statement: The Council intends to evaluate potential new fishery management measures to protect Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) in the Bering Sea. The analysis will tier off of the 2005 EFH Environmental Impact Statement and will consider as alternatives open and closed areas and gear modifications.  The purpose of the analysis is to consider practicable and precautionary management measures to reduce the potential adverse effects of fishing on EFH and to support the continued productivity of managed fish species.

Bering Sea Habitat Conservation motion, map 6/07
BSHC alternatives 4/07
BSHC EA/RIR/IRFA 3/07, AI Habitat Conservation Area EA
Bering Sea Habitat Conservation Motion, Alts 2/07
Bering Sea Habitat Conservation Options and Alternatives 10/06
Bering Sea Habitat Conservation Motion 10/06
Bering Sea Habitat Conservation Motion 6/06
Bering Sea Habitat Discussion Papers: Background, Evaluating protection measures for Crab 6/06
Gear Modification Research discussion paper 12/05


605 West 4th, Suite 306, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2252 • Phone: (907)271-2809 • Fax: (907) 271-2817
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