Intelligent Transportation Systems

Work Plan


The goal of the Electronic Freight Management initiative is to bring improved operational efficiency, productivity and security of the transportation system through the use of a common electronic freight management (EFM) and message portal that enables access to shipment information to all supply chain partners in real time.

Program Plan/Approach

The initiative is scheduled to last from FY04 to FY07 and consists of three phases:

  • Phase 1: Coalition Building
  • Phase 2: Foundation Elements
  • Phase 3: EFM Deployment Test and Evaluation

Phase 1: Coalition Building

The goal of this phase is to identify the trigger points and build a coalition of stakeholder groups that will help leverage deployment. Actions in this phase include initiating the following groups:

  • Intermodal Freight Technology Working Group – A neutral organization for industry and government to work together on applying technology to freight issues of mutual concern.
  • EFM Steering Group – Project leaders from industry and government to help shape / direct this effort

Phase 2: Foundation Elements

The goal of this phase is to develop EFM standards, develop the information system backbone and architecture, and build the business case to deploy EFM. Actions in this phase include:

  • EFM Standards
    • Create Data Dictionary Standard
      • Electronic freight management
    • Monitor Biometric Standards
      • Biometric identifier to positively ID the possessor
    • Monitor Electronic Tracking & Tracing Device Standards
      • Tracking and tracing devices on cargo or conveyances
    • Working through International Standards Organization (ISO) on all three.
  • EFM Freight Information Highway (FIH)
    • Operation Plan and Tools – Develop a concept for allowing an electronic message to move through a virtual portal for all supply chain partners to have equal access.
    • System Architecture – Develop an architecture approach for information flows between the virtual portal and the traffic management centers and traveler information systems.
  • EFM Business Case
    • Develop Deployment Test Plan
      • Map the supply chain and model the changes that an EFM would require.
      • Determine the rules of engagement for partners.
    • System Level Design Document
      • Determine the operating procedures for adopting EFM, FIH and biometrics.
    • Initial Decision Point

Phase 3: EFM Deployment Test and Evaluation

The goal of this phase is to operationally test the EFM scaled to one trade lane. Actions in this phase include:

  • Conduct Deployment Test
    • All procedures in place and adopted.
    • Operate over 6–8 month period of time with new procedures.
  • Evaluate Deployment Test
    • Gather baseline data before test and operating data during test.
  • Initiative Decision Point