BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service



September 18-25, 2009 Beijing, China

The U.S. Commercial Service in Beijing is pleased to invite American architecture design firms to participate in our U.S. Architectural Design Roadshow 2009 to promote American architectural designs in five of China’s fastest growing regions – Dalian, Xi’an, Wuhan, Xiamen, and Guangzhou! beijing architecture

Join a panel of U.S. architectural design firms and present your design concepts to a pre-screened audience of potential Chinese partners that can help you grow your business in these dynamic emerging markets.  Break into the markets of China’s major second-tiered cities by presenting your creative design building solutions!

The U.S. Commercial Service will prepare the invitation lists, and make all arrangements for the program.  You only need to get yourself to each of these cities and present your information.  Each session in each city will last four hours, and preceded or followed by a reception with attendees.  Your company will present, in English or Chinese, an introduction of your company’s designs and specialties.  You are invited to help us design the audience in each city.

We are sure that presenting U.S. designs as a group will have better traction than one at a time. We look forward to hearing from you before July 31, 2009. 

Please contact:
Mr. Theo Hunte, Sr. International Trade Specialist
Telephone: (215) 597-6105

For more details and contact information, please click here.