2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
For policy makers and health professionals
The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans [PDF Version - 8.49 MB] provides science-based
guidance to help Americans aged 6 and older improve their health through appropriate
physical activity. Developed with health professionals and policymakers in mind,
the Guidelines can help you
- Learn about the health benefits of physical activity
- Understand how to do physical activity in a manner that meets the Guidelines
- Understand how to reduce the risks of activity-related injury
- Assist others in participating regularly in physical activity
At-A-Glance: A Fact Sheet for Professionals
[PDF Version - 341 KB] is a 1-page desk reference that presents
the Guidelines for all population groups and the health benefits of physical activity
as supported by the scientific evidence.
the ODPHP Publications Catalog and order publications. [PDF Version - 1.2 MB]
Download PDF version for printing [8.49 MB]
Letter from the Secretary
2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
A Roadmap to the 2008 Physical Activity
Guidelines for Americans
Chapter 1: Introducing the 2008 Physical
Activity Guidelines for Americans
Chapter 2: Physical Activity Has Many Health
Chapter 3: Active Children and
Chapter 4: Active Adults
Chapter 5: Active Older Adults
Chapter 6: Safe and Active
Chapter 7: Additional Considerations for Some
Chapter 8: Taking Action: Increasing Physical
Activity Levels of Americans
Appendix 1. Translating Scientific Evidence
About Total Amount and Intensity of Physical Activity Into
Appendix 2. Selected Examples of Injury
Prevention Strategies for Common Physical Activities and Sports
Appendix 3. Federal Web Sites That Promote
Physical Activity
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