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Gross Domestic Product by State Estimation Methodology

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Executive Summary (PDF • 1,452 KB)
Contents (PDF • 1,452 KB)
I. Overview (PDF • 1,452 KB)
II. Compensation of Employees (PDF • 1,452 KB)
Wage and salary accruals
Employer contributions for employee pension and insurance funds
Employer contributions for government social insurance
III. GDP by State for Goods-Producing Industries (PDF • 1,452 KB)
IV. Taxes on Production and Imports and Subsidies (PDF • 1,452 KB)
TOPI except property taxes
Property taxes
V. Gross Operating Surplus (PDF • 1,452 KB)
Proprietors’ income
Corporate capital charges
  Nontax payments to government
Services-producing industries
  Air transportation
  Rail transportation
  Insurance carriers and related activities
  Credit intermediation
    Net interest
    Profits before taxes
    CCA and business transfer payments (BTP) for depository and nondepository institutions
    Total capital charges for depository and nondepository institutions
  Real estate
    Housing services
    Other real estate
Federal, state, and local government
VI. Real GDP by State (PDF • 1,452 KB)
Chain-weighted quantity indexes
Contributions to real growth
VII. Future Developments (PDF • 1,452 KB)
Extending the GDP by State-NAICS time series
Improving the timeliness of the GDP by state estimates
GDP by metropolitan area estimates
VIII. Technical Notes (PDF • 1,452 KB)
Note 1: Interpolation and extrapolation procedures
Note 2: Allocation and dual allocation procedures
Note 3: Estimates of national totals for TOPI
  Federal excise taxes by industry
  State and local taxes by industry
  Benchmark vs. nonbenchmark estimates
Note 4: Estimates of national totals for nontax payments
  Rents and royalties
  Business transfer payments to government
Note 5: Adjustments to financial items of utilities companies
Appendix A. The Relation of GDP by State and U.S. GDP, 2004
Appendix B. NAICS Industries for Which GDP by State Estimates are Available from 1997 to 2005
Appendix C. SIC Industries for Which GDP by State Estimates are Available from 1963 to 1997
Appendix D. Major Sources of State Data for the Estimates of Taxes on Production and Imports by Industry
Appendix E. Major Sources of State Data for the Estimates of Gross Domestic Product by State and Industry
Appendix F. Major Sources of State Data for the Estimates of Nontax Payments to Government
Frequently Asked Questions (PDF • 1,452 KB)
Glossary (PDF • 1,452 KB)

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Last updated: Tuesday, June 02, 2009