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Federal Executive Boards
Boston FEB

Greater Boston Federal Executive Board (GBFEB)

History and Objectives of the Federal Executive Board (FEB)

President Kennedy established Federal Executive Boards (FEBs) in 1961 by Presidential Memorandum. Since then, all subsequent administrations have supported FEBs and additional boards have been authorized. [more]

Structure of the Greater Boston Federal Executive Board (GBFEB)

Membership is comprised of the senior-most official of each executive agency in the Greater Boston area by virtue of his/her position. There are approximately 150 Federal agencies represented on the Full Board. Full Board meetings are typically held on a quarterly basis. Senior officials and/or their deputies are encouraged to attend. [more]

News and Information

GBFEB Offers 4 - $1,000 Scholarships in 2009. [more]

2009 Diversity Committee Meetings. [more]

2009 Local Federal Coordinating Committee. [more]

2009 Board of Directors Meetings. [more]

September 10, 2009
Diversity Training Day. [more]

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