President's Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry

Building the Capacity to Improve Quality

Chapter Twelve
Adapting Organizations for Change

Because the science of health care is changing so fast, health care organizations -- health plans; hospitals, nursing homes, and other health care facilities; and health care practitioners -- need to match that pace of change. While quality health care depends heavily on the building of strong relationships between patients and those who care for them, the systems of care that surround those relationships are becoming increasingly complex and difficult to manage. Health care organizations must be willing to learn from other industries that have demonstrated success in making complex systems function better in order to improve quality. While numerous health care organizations already have begun to tackle this task and provide good role models for others, much remains to be done. Implementing the recommendations below will require significant cultural change in the leadership, professional participation, and daily work of most of today's health care organizations.


Quality Improvement Requires Leadership

The literature on quality improvement, both inside and outside of health care, is unanimous in highlighting the important role of leadership in improving quality. Only strong leadership can build an organizational culture supportive of change, establish aims for improvement, and mobilize resources to meet those aims.

Focusing on Consumers

The capability of health care systems to measure their own achievements, a precondition to improvement, requires the ability to see care through the eyes of the patient. At a more technical level, research suggests that the measurement of functional status, pain, emotional well-being, social and role functioning, and target symptom status is best done by asking patients themselves (Greenfield et al., 1985).

One example of a renewed focus on customer satisfaction in health care is increasing attention to waiting times as a key area for improvement. Long waits for appointments and tests frustrate patients and can lead to quality problems if patients are unable to see a physician or must endure long waits for test results. In 1996, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement in Boston assembled 27 health care organizations in a "Waits and Delays" project. The group met three times over 12 months to learn classic quality management principles and industrial design concepts. Participants also stayed in touch between meetings to swap ideas. The group's work has led to a dramatic turnaround in some cases. In just 3 months, a Catholic hospital in Illinois cut triage time in the emergency room from 45 minutes to no more than 15 (Nordhaus-Bike, 1997).

Customer focus is also leading health care organizations to redesign patient satisfaction surveys so that they can provide real guidance for improvement efforts. In 1991, the Henry Ford Health System began surveying internal and external customers regarding the barriers they experienced in accessing care. These data were used to guide the work of process improvement teams, which tried to address the identified barriers. One team, for example, focused on the availability of telephone triage and nursing-advice services and recommended upgrading phone systems and developing consistent advice guidelines (Antcil and Winters, 1996).

Quality Improvement Requires Learning

A health care organization dedicated to continuous improvement must become, almost by definition, a learning organization. A learning organization is an organization "skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights" (Garvin, 1993). While a great deal of learning already goes on in health care organizations, much of this learning is aimed at improving individuals -- physicians learning to become better physicians, nurses learning to become better nurses -- rather than learning how the system as a whole can improve.

Quality Improvement Requires Organizational Change

Not all change is improvement, but all improvement requires change. Once aims have been established and information has been gathered and evaluated, organizations must take action. They must commit to continually improving their processes of care, reducing error, and eliminating waste. They must be willing to overcome barriers between disciplines, departments, and organizations. And they must empower their own employees to make change.


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Last Revised: Sunday, July 19, 1998