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Appropriations Requests


This year, like last, I am not submitting new earmark requests for the 2010 federal budget.

I am also reducing my local projects beyond the 75% decrease of last year – limiting the requests from the 8th Congressional District to just six current projects that are near or mid-completion.

Not all earmarks are wrong. Sometimes you need to direct the federal government to do the right thing, as I did in securing critical disaster funding for Texas hurricane recovery or to spur the VA to establish a long-needed local veterans health care clinic.

Unfortunately, earmarks in Congress have grown out of control. They are a symbol of Washington’s inability to control spending. It seems that everyday you read about new abuses and scandals every day.

So I have reduced mine dramatically and was one of the first members of Congress to shine a public light on local requests by publishing these – for the fourth year – on the 8th District website for you to review and comment.

Going further, I am pushing both parties in Congress to institute a moratorium on earmarks until the practice can be reformed and the abuses stopped. And I’ve introduced the Spending Reform Act of 2009 to force Congress to get a grip on the runaway spending that threatens our prosperity and will ultimately lead to major tax increases unless we act now.

I’ve included for you a description, the cost, and a link to the sponsoring organization so you know who is asking their federal government for help. If you have any questions or comments, email me at here - or phone my office toll-free at 1-877-441-5700. I’d like to know what you think.

Congressman Brady's signature

8th Congressional District of Texas
Local Project Requests for 2010


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