
Erie County Legislature 21st Century Commission


WHAT: Erie County Legislature Government Affairs Committee, under its chair, Legislator Barbara Miller-Williams, to conduct a regular meeting

WHERE: Erie County Legislature Chambers, Fourth Floor, 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo

WHEN: 12:30 p.m. Thursday, June 4, 2009

The committee has invited Erie County Legislature 21st Century Commission Chair Martha Lamparelli to discuss the report the commission recently issued.

For more information, please contact Director of Communications Kevin J. Hosey at 858-8607 or

MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2009

WHAT: Erie County Legislature 21st Century Commission to conduct a regular meeting

WHERE: Erie County Legislature Conference Room, Fourth Floor, 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo

WHEN: 4:30 p.m. Monday, June 1, 2009

For more information, please contact Director of Communications Kevin J. Hosey at 858-8607 or

MAY 26, 2009

Statement by Erie County Legislature Chair Lynn M. Marinelli


The 21st Century Commission was appointed by the Chair of the Legislature, along with the Majority and Minority Leaders, and the Chair of the Government Affairs Committee, to analyze and recommend reforms to the Erie County Legislature.

Under the leadership of Commission Chair Martha Lamparelli over the last eight months, the Commission studied and debated a number of complex issues identified in the Commission's core mission:

The recommendations evolved from a thoughtful, well-planned process. These included review of academic papers, analysis of data on the composition of legislative bodies across the state and nation, surveys of former and current legislators, presentations by informed community stakeholders - including UB's Regional Institute, face-to-face meetings with legislators and visits to district offices and, in late March, a public forum for the entire community.

The Legislature appreciates the commitment of commission volunteers as they crafted the report, with some minority dissent, that has been submitted to the Legislature. An initial review will be done by the Government Affairs Committee, under the leadership of Legislator Barbara Miller-Williams, and later, the full Legislature based on the committee's review. Government Affairs Committee meetings and a public hearing will be scheduled and announced with the goal of having reform measures on this November's ballot for the consideration by the voters of Erie County.

On behalf of my colleagues, I encourage the public review, discussion and comment. The information can be found on or obtained through the Legislature at 92 Franklin Street, 4th floor, Buffalo NY, or by calling 858-7500.

Members of the Commission include:

Members of the Government Affairs Committee include:

Commission Chair Martha Lamparelli statement


Recommends reduction in size of County Legislature to 11 members serving four-year terms

Martha Lamparelli, Chair of the 21st Century Commission on the Erie County Legislature, today submitted the Commission's final report. Two major recommendations came out of the Commission's deliberations over the last eight months: 1) reducing the size of the Legislature from 15 to 11 seats, and 2) extending terms of office from two to four years.

"All told, the Commission studied five major reform areas: size, length of terms, term limits, at-large representation and staggered terms," Chair Lamparelli began. "We achieved unanimity in four of the five reform areas, all but the size of the Erie County Legislature."

Lamparelli noted that a majority of six members agreed to the reduction to 11 members. Three members dissented, and their opinions are included in the report. Among the dissenters, concerns over the challenge of representing a diversity of community interests - whether geographic or political - emerged.

"For the majority of Commission members, a reduction in number of legislators seemed in order given the continued loss of population in Erie County. That reality, coupled with some cost savings, led to our ultimate recommendation to reduce the County Legislature by four members," Lamparelli added.

Regarding the subject of length of terms, the report suggests "...members would be better able to focus on policy making and constituent service than the politics of winning an election and raising the necessary funds to wage a campaign if their terms expired every fourth year, as opposed to every other year."

The report was clocked in at Old County Hall today for consideration at this Thursday's legislative session - May 28, 2009. The report will be directed to the Government Affairs Committee for further review and to allow legislators to obtain additional input from the public.

The 21st Century Commission on the Erie County Legislature was impaneled in September 2008 by Legislature Chair Lynn M. Marinelli and completed its work four months in advance of its projected sunset of September 2009. The Commission expedited its review and report to enable Erie County voters to consider a referendum in this year's November election, following action by the County Legislature.

"It's the community's turn to comment on the redesign of a 21st Century county legislature," Martha Lamparelli, Chair, 21st Century Commission on the Erie County Legislature

HOW         Attend a free public forum
WHERE     WNED, Horizons Plaza, Buffalo
WHEN       Monday, March 23, 2009
TIME         6–8 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

You can Pre-Register by E-Mailing

You are encouraged to submit written comments. Each speaker will be given three minutes.


WHAT: Erie County Legislature 21st Century Commission to conduct meeting

WHERE: Erie County Legislature Conference Room, Fourth Floor, 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo

WHEN: 4:30 p.m. Monday, March 2, 2009

For more information, please contact Director of Communications Kevin J. Hosey at 858-8607.


To review the Erie County Legislature - its size, powers, duties, structure and function - answering the community's call for changes to the county government's legislative branch, in view of static and shifting population, fiscal times and service to its citizens.


The Commission will address all government reform issues specific to the Erie County Legislature, including but not limited to:


A nine-member Commission, six persons to be appointed by the Chair of the Legislature: two non-categorical, the other four individuals will represent the following stakeholder groups: 1) a non-partisan academic or civic engagement organization; 2) local business community; 3) a public sector union; and 4) a community-based not-for-profit. And, one appointment each by the Majority Leader, the Minority Leader and the Chair of the Government Affairs Committee of the Erie County Legislature. The Commission Chair is to be designated by the Chair of the County Legislature. Terms of Commission members are one year, after which the Commission sunsets.

Suggested timetable, report & implementation