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A new telemedicine-related blog, written by ATA CEO, Jonathan Linkous.


2010 Call for Presentations Now Open
The 2010 ATA Annual International Meeting and Exposition invites submission of presentations (individual, discussion panel and presentation panel), posters, and pre-meeting courses. The deadline to submit abstracts is September 29, 2009. 

Latest ATA Videocast

Using The Buzz: Health Reform Action and Stimulus Implementation
There is a buzz about telemedicine around DC--and it is coming from a variety of sources. Congress has begun legislation on national health and Medicare reform, while the Obama Administration is rolling out ARRA funding. ATA CEO Jon Linkous and Senior Policy Director Gary Capistrant “use the buzz” and discuss the impact on telemedicine. An archived recording of this videocast is available free for ATA Members on the Stimulus Package Central Page

Telemedicine Buyer's Guide

Are you in the market for telemedicine?   The ATA Buyer's Guide is a list of member companies who have products and services in the telemedicine industry. 

Telemedicine Stimulus Package Central
ATA has created a website resource center on the 2009 Economic Stimulus Package,  with information on telemedicine-specific funding mandates, grant opportunities and agency contacts.  Members can also view recordings for all past stimulus-related video-casts.  This is a special resource, exclusive for ATA members.

Meet the ATA Staff

A brief video introduction to the staff members of the American Telemedicine Association. Each employee discusses their current projects and how they can help members of the association. 


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