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News from Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo

House Adopts Bordallo Amendment in

Transportation Security Administration Authorization Act

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – June 4, 2009 – Washington, D.C. –

Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo today announced that the U.S. House of Representatives adopted an amendment that she offered during debate on H.R. 2200, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Authorization Act.  H.R. 2200 authorizes appropriations for the TSA for fiscal years 2010 and 2011 and sets policy for the TSA, and was introduced by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas, Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Transportation Security and Infrastructure Protection in the Committee on Homeland Security.  H.R. 2200 passed the U.S. House of Representatives, today, by a vote of 397 yeas to 25 noes. 

The amendment offered by Congresswoman Bordallo would direct the Assistant Secretary of the TSA to conduct a study and make recommendations on specific methods by which airports in the U.S. territories can best and most cost effectively comply with TSA security regulations with particular regard to the commingling of passengers from connecting flights.  The report also requires the TSA to report on the financing opportunities available for airports in the U.S. territories to fully comply with the TSA regulations.

“My amendment requires the TSA to conduct a study to assist the Guam International Airport and other airports in the U.S. territories in finding long term solutions to meet federal security requirements,” Congresswoman Bordallo said today. “Given the current economic and financial crisis and the downturn in tourism on Guam, the Guam International Airport Authority has challenges in financing security improvements.  This report will develop recommendations and alternatives for how Guam can meet the security requirements mandated by TSA after 9/11 and funding options.” 

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Contact: Matthew Mateo in Washington, D.C. at 202-225-1188 or Krystal Agustin at 671-477-4272/4. or



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