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Items tagged 'energy'

International Workshop Held at BNL On Designs for Next-Generation Reactors

August 11, 2009

Some 30 international experts from six countries met to discuss new designs of nuclear reactors at a Gen IV Proliferation Resistance & Physical Protection Workshop.

Trapped! Scientists Immobilize Bacteria in Fibrous Hydrogel

August 03, 2009

Scientists at Brookhaven Lab and Stony Brook University have devised a way to encapsulate bacteria in a synthetic polymer hydrogel.

Magnetic Measurements Question Assumptions About High-Tc Superconductors

August 02, 2009

Brookhaven Lab scientists have grown large enough crystals of one well-studied high-temperature (high-Tc) superconductor to directly measure its magnetic properties. These measurements cast considerable doubt on assumptions commonly made in trying to understand the role magnetism plays in these materials’ ability to carry current with no resistance.

BNL scientists help clean up energy on Brookhaven Town Task Force

June 11, 2009

In the Spring 2009 edition the Town of Brookhaven’s Green Gazette, BNL appeared in a list of some of the most important players in the “green” energy game.

New Solar Energy System Displayed For Earth Week

May 04, 2009

Members of the Environmental Protection Division held an Environmental Vendor Fair at Berkner Hall on April 22 as part of their Earth Week celebrations. At the event, New Age Energy displayed a Tri-Generation solar power system that emits electricity, heat, and light simultaneously.

DOE to Establish Energy Frontier Research Center at Brookhaven Lab

April 29, 2009

Brookhaven National Laboratory will be home to one of 46 new multi-million-dollar Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) announced on Monday by the White House in conjunction with a speech delivered by President Barack Obama at the annual meeting of the National Academy of Sciences.

New Chemistry for Artificial Photosynthesis

April 15, 2009

On Wednesday, April 15, join James Muckerman for the 448th Brookhaven Lecture, "New Chemistry for Artificial Photosynthesis: A Theoretical Perspective." Muckerman will explain photosynthesis and illustrate how electrochemical systems driven by sunlight could carry out artificial photosynthesis to create usable fuels without creating pollutants and undesirable byproducts. 4 p.m., Berkner Hall.

Plant Gene Mapping May Lead to Better Biofuel Production

April 10, 2009

By creating a "family tree" of genes expressed in one form of woody plant and a less woody, herbaceous species, scientists at Brookhaven have uncovered clues that may help them engineer plants more amenable to biofuel production.

Scientists Identify Bacteria That Increase Plant Growth

January 26, 2009

Through work originally designed to remove contaminants from soil, scientists at Brookhaven Lab and their Belgium colleagues at Hasselt University have identified plant-associated microbes that can improve plant growth on marginal land.

New Catalyst Paves the Path for Ethanol-Powered Fuel Cells

January 25, 2009

A team of scientists at Brookhaven Lab, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Delaware and Yeshiva University, has developed a new catalyst that could make ethanol-powered fuel cells feasible.

Working Toward New Energy With Electrochemistry

August 20, 2007

In an effort to develop alternative energy sources such as fuel cells and solar fuel from "artificial" photosynthesis, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory are taking a detailed look at electrons - the particles that set almost all chemical processes in motion.