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Senate Committee on the Judiciary: S. Hrg. 103-482,
Nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg to be Associate Justice
of the Supreme Court of the United States

Download the entire S. Hrg. 103-482 (25.7 MB, ZIP file). Documents within the ZIP file are available in PDF format.

Hearing documents in the table below are available in PDF format. You will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer to view PDF files.

S. Hrg. 103-482,
Hearings Before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary
on the Nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg to be an
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
July 20, 21, 22, and 23, 1993
Title Format and Size Print Copy Pages
— Front Matter —
Cover PDF 30 KB i
Committee Members PDF 27 KB ii
Contents PDF 314 KB iii-x
Tuesday, July 20, 1993
Moynihan, Hon. Daniel Patrick, a U.S. Senator from the State of New York PDF 116 KB 10-11
D'Amato, Hon. Alfonse M., a U.S. Senator from the State of New York PDF 121 KB 11-12
Norton, Hon. Eleanor Holmes, a Delegate in Congress from the District of Columbia PDF 120 KB 12-13
Statements of Committee Members
Biden, Hon. Joseph R., Jr., a U.S. Senator from the State of Delaware:
Opening statement PDF 116 KB 2-3
Prepared statement PDF 124 KB 3-4
Hatch, Hon. Orrin G., a U.S. Senator from the State of Utah:
Opening statement PDF 183 KB 5-7
Prepared statement PDF 137 KB 7-8
Thurmond, Hon. Strom, a U.S. Senator from the State of South Carolina:
Opening statement PDF 173 KB 13-15
Prepared statement PDF 128 KB 15-16
Kennedy, Hon. Edward M., a U.S. Senator from the State of Massachusetts:
Opening statement PDF 119 KB 16-17
Metzenbaum, Hon. Howard M., a U.S. Senator from the State of Ohio:
Opening statement PDF 172 KB 17-19
Prepared statement PDF 132 KB 19-20
Simpson, Hon. Alan K., a U.S. Senator from the State of Wyoming:
Opening statement PDF 129 KB 20-21
DeConcini, Hon. Dennis, a U.S. Senator from the State of Arizona:
Opening statement PDF 161 KB 21-23
Prepared statement PDF 118 KB 23-24
Grassley, Hon. Charles E., a U.S. Senator from the State of Iowa:
Opening statement PDF 124 KB 25-26
Prepared statement PDF 75KB 26
Leahy, Hon. Patrick J., a U.S. Senator from the State of Vermont:
Opening statement PDF 116 KB 27-28
Prepared statement PDF 185 KB 28-30
Specter, Hon. Arlen, a U.S. Senator from the State of Pennsylvania:
Opening statement PDF 119 KB 30-31
Heflin, Hon. Howell, a U.S. Senator from the State of Alabama:
Opening statement PDF 117 KB 31-32
Prepared statement PDF 123 KB 32-33
Brown, Hon. Hank, a U.S. Senator from the State of Colorado:
Opening statement PDF 168 KB 33-35
Simon, Hon. Paul, a U.S. Senator from the State of Illinois:
Opening statement PDF 113 KB 35-36
Cohen, Hon. William S., a U.S. Senator from the State of Maine:
Opening statement PDF 116 KB 36-37
Kohl, Hon. Herbert, a U.S. Senator from the State of Wisconsin:
Opening statement PDF 122 KB 38-39
Prepared statement PDF 124 KB 39-40
Feinstein, Hon. Dianne, a U.S. Senator from the State of California:
Opening statement PDF 118 KB 40-41
Moseley-Braun, Hon. Carol, a U.S. Senator from the State of Illinois:
Opening statement PDF 222 KB 41-44
Prepared statement PDF 129 KB 44-45
Pressler, Hon. Larry, a U.S. Senator from the State of South Dakota:
Opening statement PDF 119 KB 47-48
Prepared statement PDF 123 KB 48-49
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, Circuit Court Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States:
Testimony PDF 108 KB 46-47
Questioning by:
Chairman Biden
Senator Hatch
Senator Kennedy
Senator Thurmond
Senator Metzenbaum
Senator Simpson
PDF 525 KB
PDF 414 KB
PDF 409 KB
PDF 417 KB
PDF 460 KB
PDF 326 KB
Submissions for the Record
Prepared statement of Judge Ginsburg PDF 219 KB 53-56
Initial questionnaire:
I. Biographical information (public)
II. Financial data and conflict of interest (public)
III. General (public)
PDF 825 KB
PDF 152 KB
PDF 251 KB
Wednesday, July 21, 1993
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, Circuit Court Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States:
Testimony PDF 116 KB 164-165
Questioning by:
Senator DeConcini PDF 357 KB 163-171
Senator Grassley PDF 418 KB 171-178
Senator Leahy PDF 453 KB 178-186
Senator Specter PDF 467 KB 186-194
Chairman Biden PDF 114 KB
PDF 113 KB
Senator Hefiin PDF 412 KB 195-202
Senator Brown PDF 364 KB 202-208
Senator Simon PDF 551 KB 208-218
Senator Cohen PDF 503 KB 218-226
Senator Kohl PDF 312 KB 227-232
Senator Pressler PDF 460 KB 232-240
Senator Feinstein PDF 458 KB 240-248
Senator Moseley-Braun PDF 424 KB 248-256
Submissions for the Record
Letter to Hon. Paul Simon, U.S. Senator, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC, from Tom Harkin, U.S. Senate, Committee on Labor and Human Resources, Washington, DC, July 14, 1993 PDF 71 KB 215
Thursday, July 22, 1993
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, Circuit Court Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States:
Testimony PDF 68 KB 260
Questioning by:
Senator Kennedy PDF 158 KB 259-261
Senator Hatch PDF 737 KB
PDF 213 KB
Chairman Biden PDF 460 KB 275-284
Senator Specter PDF 565 KB
PDF 375 KB
Senator Metzenbaum PDF 212 KB 291-297
Senator Grassley PDF 545 KB
PDF 283 KB
Senator Leahy PDF 662 KB 306-318
Senator Cohen PDF 396 KB
PDF 163 KB
Senator DeConcini PDF 315 KB 325-330
Senator Pressler PDF 267 KB 330-334
Senator Simon PDF 209 KB 335-338
Senator Brown PDF 210 KB 338-341
Senator Moseley-Braun PDF 257 KB 349-353
Submissions for the Record
Excerpt from confirmation hearing of Judge Clarence Thomas to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States: Colloquy between Senator Leahy and Judge Thomas re Roe v. Wade PDF 1.8 MB 306-344
Letter to Hon. Charles E. Grassley, U.S. Senator, Senate Hart Office Building, Washington, DC, from Ruth Bader Ginsburg, U.S. Circuit Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, Washington, DC, July 21, 1993, responding to questions regarding membership in Woodmont Country Club PDF 377 KB 345-353
Letters to Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, U.S. Court of Appeals, Washington, DC, from Senator Arlen Specter:
July 15, 1993: Questions for Judge Ginsburg PDF 71 KB 354-355
July 19, 1993: Response to Judge Ginsburg's letter of
July 16, 1993
PDF 34 KB 356
Letter to Hon. Arlen Specter, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC, from Ruth Bader Ginsburg, U.S. Court of Appeals, Washington, DC, July 16, 1993: Response to letter of July 15, 1993 PDF 48 KB 355
Friday, July 23, 1993
William E. Willis, Chairman, Standing Committee on Federal Judiciary, American Bar Association, accompanied by Judah Best, District of Columbia Circuit Representative, Standing Committee on Federal Judiciary, American Bar Association PDF 117 KB 372-373
Questioning by:
Chairman Biden PDF 303 KB 377-382
Senator Specter PDF 113 KB 378-379
Senator Heflin PDF 64 KB 380-382
William T. Coleman, Jr., O'Melveny and Myers, Washington, DC; Chesterfield Smith, Holland & Knight, Miami, FL; Shirley M. Hufstedler, Hufstedler, Kaus, and Ettinger, Los Angeles, CA; and Ira M. Millstein, Weil, Gotshal and Manges, New York, NY
PDF 957 KB 382-398
Gerald Gunther, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law, Stanford University, Stanford CA; and Herma Hill Kay, Dean, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, CA
PDF 337 KB 398-403
Questioning by:
Senator Hatch
PDF 118 KB 403-404
Edith Lampson Roberts, Washington, DC, and Kathleen Peratis, New York, NY
PDF 237 KB 404-407
Questioning by:
Chairman Biden
PDF 181 KB 408-410
Paige Comstock Cunningham, President, Americans United for Life, Chicago, IL; Rosa Cumare, Hamilton & Cumare, Pasadena, CA; Nellie J. Gray, President, March for Life Education and Defense Fund, Washington, DC; Susan Hirschmann, Executive Director, Eagle Forum, Washington, DC; Kay Coles James, Vice President, Family Research
Council, Washington, DC; and Howard Phillips, Chairman, the Conservative Caucus, Vienna, VA
PDF 143 KB 411-413
Questioning by:
Senator Hatch
PDF 219 KB 546-549
Angela M. Bradstreet, California Women Lawyers, San Francisco, CA; Carlos G. Ortiz, President, Hispanic National Bar Association; John D. Feerick, president, Association of the Bar of the City of New York; and Stephen Wiesenfeld, Fort Lauderdale, FL
PDF 472 KB 550-558
Questioning by:
Chairman Biden
PDF 109 KB 549-550
Closing Statement
Chairman Joseph R. Biden, Jr PDF 75 KB 564-565
Prepared Statements
William E. Willis PDF 167 KB 380-381
William T. Coleman, Jr PDF 241 KB 382-385
Chesterfield Smith PDF 338 KB 385-390
Shirley M. Hufstedler PDF 362 KB 390-395
Ira M. Millstein PDF 358 KB 395-400
Gerald Gunther PDF 189 KB 400-402
Herma Hill Kay PDF 287 KB 402-406
Edith Lampson Roberts PDF 247 KB 406-409
Kathleen Peratis PDF 254 KB 409-413
Paige Comstock Cunningham PDF 876 KB 414-442
Appendix: "Is Abortion the 'First Right' for Women?" by Paige Cunningham and Clarke Forsythe, excerpted from Abortion, Medicine and the Law, 4th edition
PDF 2.7 MB 443-507
Nellie J. Gray PDF 274 KB 508-516
Susan Hirschmann PDF 570 KB 517-534
Howard Phillips PDF 562 KB 535-551
Angela M. Bradstreet PDF 176 KB 552-554
Carlos G. Ortiz PDF 272 KB 554-558
John D. Feerick PDF 121 KB 559-561
Stephen Wiesenfeld PDF 176 KB 562-564
Submissions for the Record
Letter to Hon. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, DC, from William E. Willis, Chair, American Bar Association, Standing Committee on Federal Judiciary, Washington, DC, July 19, 1993 PDF 318 KB 373-378
Question and answer excerpted from Judge Ginsburg's initial questionnaire PDF 36 KB 567
Questions and Answers
Questions for Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Washington, DC, from:
Chairman Biden PDF 110 KB 567-570
Senator Thurmond PDF 68 KB 571-573
Senator Kohl PDF 50 KB 574-576
Senator Pressler PDF 175 KB 577-583
Responses of Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Washington, DC, to questions submitted by:
Chairman Biden PDF 24 KB 569
Senator Thurmond PDF 60 KB 572-574
Senator Kohl PDF 50 KB 575-576
Senator Pressler PDF 301 KB 583-587
Additional Submissions for the Record
Analyses of President Bill Clinton's nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg to be an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, by Thomas L. Jipping, M.A., J.D., excerpted from Judicial Selection Monitoring Project:
"A Step in the Left Direction," June 24, 1993 PDF 981 KB 588-624
"The Continuing Search for Moderation," July 13, 1993 PDF 1.1 MB 625-662
Report on the Nomination of Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the United States Supreme Court, submitted by the Alliance for Justice, a National Association of Organizations Working for Equal Justice, Washington, DC PDF 448 KB 663-673
Appendix: Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg's District of Columbia Circuit Decisions Reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court
PDF 201 KB 674-678
Letter to Hon. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC, from William C. Hou, president, National Asian Pacific American Bar Association, July 23, 1993 PDF 101 KB 679-681
Alliance for Justice:    
Report on the Nomination of Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the U.S. Supreme Court PDF 448 KB 663-673
Appendix: Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg's District of Columbia Circuit Decisions Reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court
PDF 201 KB 674-678
Biden, Hon. Joseph R., Jr.:
Opening statement PDF 116 KB 2-3
Prepared statement PDF 124 KB 3-4
Question and answer excerpted from Judge Ginsburg's initial questionnaire
PDF 884 KB 547-564
Closing statement PDF 75 KB 564-565
Letter to Judge Ginsburg, asking for responses to additional questions from Senators Biden, Thurmond, Kohl, and Pressler, July 27, 1993
PDF 26 KB 567
Written questions for Judge Ginsburg PDF 43 KB 568
Letter from Judge Ginsburg, July 27, 1993, responding to written questions
PDF 455 KB 569-587
Bradstreet, Angela M.:
Testimony PDF 112 KB 550-551
Prepared statement PDF 77 KB 552
Brown, Hon. Hank:
Opening statement PDF 168 KB 33-35
Cohen, Hon. William S.:
Opening statement PDF 116 KB 36-37
Coleman, William T., Jr.:
Testimony PDF 115 KB 382-383
Prepared statement PDF 241 KB 383-385
Cumare, Rosa:
Testimony PDF165 KB 503-505
Cunningham, Paige Comstock:
Testimony PDF 143 KB 411-413
Prepared statement PDF 876 KB 414-442
Appendix: "Is Abortion the 'First Right' for Women?" by Paige Cunningham and Clarke Forsythe, excerpted from Abortion, Medicine and the Law, 4th edition
PDF 2.4 MB 443-501
D'Amato, Hon. Alfonse M.:
Testimony PDF 67 KB 11
Prepared statement PDF 121 KB 11-12
DeConcini, Hon. Dennis:
Testimony PDF 161 KB 21-23
Prepared statement PDF 118 KB 23-24
Feerick, John D.:
Testimony PDF 90 KB 557-558
Prepared statement PDF 121 KB 559-561
Feinstein, Hon. Dianne:
Opening statement PDF 118 KB 40-41
Ginsburg, Hon. Ruth Bader:
Testimony PDF 108 KB
PDF 4.4 MB
PDF 2.2 MB
Prepared statement PDF 219 KB 53-56
Initial questionnaire:
I. Biographical information (public)
II. Financial data and conflict of interest (public)
III. General (public)
PDF 827 KB
PDF 152 KB
PDF 251 KB
Grassley, Hon. Charles E.:
Opening statement PDF 124 KB 25-26
Prepared statement PDF 75 KB 26
Letter from Ruth Bader Ginsburg, U.S.
Circuit Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals,
District of Columbia Circuit, Washington,
DC, July 21, 1993, responding to questions
regarding membership in Woodmont Country Club
PDF 377 KB 345-353
Gray, Nellie J.:
Testimony PDF 152 KB 505-507
Prepared statement PDF 278 KB 508-514
Gunther, Gerald:
Testimony PDF 337 KB 398-400
Prepared statement PDF 132 KB 400-401
Hatch, Hon. Orrin G.:
Opening statement PDF 183 KB 5-7
Prepared statement PDF 235 KB 7-10
Heflin, Hon. Howell:
Opening statement PDF 117 KB 31-32
Prepared statement PDF 123 KB 32-33
Hirschmann, Susan:
Testimony PDF 100 KB 515-516
Prepared statement PDF 336 KB 517-529
Hufstedler, Shirley M.:
Testimony PDF 181 KB 387-390
Prepared statement PDF 253 KB 390-393
James, Kay Coles:
Testimony PDF 166 KB 529-531
Jipping, Thomas L.:
Analyses of President Bill Clinton's nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg to be an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, by Thomas L. Jipping, M.A., J.D., excerpted from Judicial Selection Monitoring Project:
"A Step in the Left Direction," June 24, 1993
PDF 981 KB 588-624
"The Continuing Search for Moderation," July 13, 1993
PDF 1.1 MB 625-662
Kay, Herma Hill:
Testimony PDF 126 KB 401-402
Prepared statement PDF 126 KB 402-403
Kennedy, Hon. Edward M.:
Opening statement PDF 118 KB 16-17
Kohl, Hon. Herbert:
Opening statement PDF 122 KB 38-39
Prepared statement PDF 124 KB 39-40
Written questions for Judge Ginsburg PDF 28 KB 574
Letter from Judge Ginsburg, July 27, 1993, responding to written questions dated July 22, 1993
PDF 39 KB 575-576
Leahy, Hon. Patrick J.:
Opening statement PDF 116 KB 27-28
Prepared statement PDF 185 KB 28-30
Excerpt from confirmation hearing of Judge Clarence Thomas to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States: Colloquy between Senator Leahy and Judge Thomas re Roe v. Wade
PDF 609 KB 306-318
Metzenbaum, Hon. Howard:
Opening statement PDF 172 KB 17-19
Prepared statement PDF 132 KB 19-20
Millstein, Ira M.:
Testimony PDF 178 KB 393-395
Prepared statement PDF 198 KB 395-397
Moseley-Braun, Hon. Carol:
Opening statement PDF 222 KB 41-44
Prepared statement PDF 129 KB 44-45
Moynihan, Hon. Daniel Patrick:
Testimony PDF 116 KB 10-11
National Asian Pacific American Bar Association:
Letter to Hon. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC, from William C. Hou, president, July 23, 1993
PDF 101 KB 679-681
Norton, Hon. Eleanor Holmes:
Testimony PDF 120 KB 12-13
Ortiz, Carlos G.:
Testimony PDF 176 KB 552-554
Prepared statement PDF 249 KB 554-557
Peratis, Kathleen:
Testimony PDF 187 KB 407-409
Prepared statement PDF 181 KB 409-410
Phillips, Howard:
Testimony PDF 163 KB 531-533
Prepared statement PDF 311 KB 534-545
Pressler, Hon. Larry:
Opening statement PDF 119 KB 47-48
Prepared statement PDF 123 KB 48-49
Letter to Judge Ginsburg, July 23, 1993, asking for responses to additional questions
PDF 175 KB 577-583
Letter from Judge Ginsburg, July 28, 1993, answering questions received July 26, 1993:
Responses to written questions on Employer v. Union Rights
PDF 98 KB 584-585
Responses to written questions on Minority Set-Aside Programs
PDF 66 KB 586
Responses to written questions on the Supreme Court's decision in Commissioner v. Soliman
PDF 41 KB 587
Roberts, Edith Lampson:
Testimony PDF 180 KB 404-406
Prepared statement PDF 136 KB 406-407
Simon, Hon. Paul:
Opening statement PDF 113 KB 35-36
Letter from Tom Harkin, U.S. Senator, Committee on Labor and Human Resources, Washington, DC, July 14, 1993
PDF 71 KB 215
Simpson, Hon. Alan K.:
Opening statement PDF 123 KB 20-21
Smith, Chesterfield:
Testimony PDF 128 KB 385-386
Prepared statement PDF 123 KB 386-387
Specter, Hon. Arlen:
Opening statement PDF 119 KB 30-31
Letters to Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, U.S. Court of Appeals, Washington, DC:
July 15, 1993: Questions for Judge Ginsburg PDF 42 KB 354
July 19, 1993: Response to Judge Ginsburg's letter of July 16, 1993
PDF 34 KB 356
Letter from Ruth Bader Ginsburg, U.S. Court of Appeals, Washington, DC, July 16, 1993: Response to letter of July 15, 1993
PDF 48 KB 355
Thurmond, Hon. Strom:
Opening statement PDF 173 KB 13-15
Prepared statement PDF 128 KB 15-16
Written questions for Judge Ginsburg PDF 36 KB 571
Letter from Judge Ginsburg, July 27, 1993, responding to written questions about the tenth amendment
PDF 24 KB 572
Wiesenfeld, Stephen:
Testimony PDF 117 KB 561-562
Prepared statement PDF 129 KB 562-563
Willis, William E.:
Testimony PDF 117 KB 372-373
Letter to Hon. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, DC, July 19, 1993
PDF 318 KB 373-378
Prepared statement PDF 122 KB 380-381
Questioning of Nominee and Witnesses
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, Circuit Court Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States:
Chairman Biden PDF 525 KB
PDF 114 KB
PDF 113 KB
PDF 463 KB
275 -283
Senator Brown PDF 364 KB
PDF 210 KB
Senator Cohen PDF 503 KB
PDF 396 KB
PDF 163 KB
Senator DeConcini PDF 446KB
PDF 118 KB
Senator Feinstein PDF 164 KB 240-242
Senator Grassley PDF 418 KB
PDF 545 KB
PDF 283 KB
Senator Hatch PDF 414 KB
PDF 737 KB
PDF 213 KB
Senator Heflin PDF 412 KB 195-202
Senator Kennedy PDF 409 KB
PDF 158 KB
Senator Kohl PDF 312 KB 227-232
Senator Leahy PDF 453 KB
PDF 662 KB
Senator Metzenbaum PDF 460 KB
PDF 212 KB
Senator Mosley-Braun PDF 424 KB
PDF 257 KB
Senator Pressler PDF 460 KB
PDF 265 KB
Senator Simon PDF 551 KB
PDF 209 KB
Senator Simpson PDF 326 KB 156-162
Senator Specter PDF 467 KB
PDF 565 KB
PDF 375 KB
Senator Thurmond PDF 417 KB 140-147
William E. Willis, Chairman, Standing Committee on Federal Judiciary, American Bar Association, accompanied by Judah Best, District of Columbia Circuit Representative, Standing Committee on Federal Judiciary, American Bar Association:
Chairman Biden PDF 108 KB 377-378
Senator Specter PDF 113 KB 378-379
Senator Heflin PDF 64 KB 380
Panel consisting of Gerald Gunther, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; and Henna Hill Kay, Dean, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, CA:
Senator Hatch PDF 70 KB 403
Panel consisting of Edith Lampson Roberts, Washington, DC, and Kathleen Peratis, New York, NY:
Chairman Biden PDF 181 KB 408-410
Panel consisting of Paige Comstock Cunningham, President, Americans United for Life, Chicago, IL; Rosa Cumare, Hamilton & Cumare, Pasadena, CA; Nellie J. Gray, President, March for Life Education and Defense Fund, Washington, DC; Susan Hirschmann, Executive Director, Eagle Forum, Washington, DC; Kay Coles James, Vice President, Family Research Council, Washington, DC; and Howard Phillips, chairman, the Conservative Caucus, Vienna, VA:
Senator Hatch PDF 219 KB 546-549
Panel consisting of Angela M. Bradstreet, California Women Lawyers, San Francisco, CA; Carlos G. Ortiz, President, Hispanic National Bar Association; John D. Feerick, president, Association of the Bar of the City of New York; and Stephen Wiesenfeld, Fort Lauderdale, FL:
Chairman Biden PDF 217 KB 549-552

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