Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program
Mountain-Prairie Region

bullet Parowan Front Land Exchange

Draft Environmental Assessment (2.5 MB PDF file) - Land Exchange between the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and the Utah School & Institutional Trust Lands Administration

bullet Brigham Face Wildlife Management Area - Populus to Ben Lomond 345kV Transmission Project

Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

Press Release 03/25/09

Download the entire Draft Enviromental Assessment as one file or the individual chapters and appendices

Draft Environmental Assessment - March 23, 2009 (15 Megabyte PDF file)

  • Table of Contents (1 Megabyte PDF file)
  • Chapter 1: Purpose and Need (2.5 Megabyte PDF file)
  • Chapter 2: Project Alternatives (1 Megabyte PDF file)
  • Chapter 3: Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences (310 KB PDF file)
  • Chapters 4, 5 and 6: (256 KB PDF file)
    Consultation and Coordination
    List of Preparers and Reviewers
  • Appendix A: Public Communications (1 Megabyte PDF file)
  • Appendix B: Biological Assessment (3 Megabyte PDF file)
  • Appendix C: Cultural Resource Inventory (9 Megabyte PDF file)
  • Appendix D: Visual Simulation (1.5 Megabyte PDF file)

bullet Todd Game Production Area Property Exchange - Bennett County, South Dakota

bullet Grant Easement for Highway Bridge Replacement

 bullet Disposal of the Roosevelt Upland Bird Management Unit

bullet Disposal of Property In the Blackfoot Clearwater Game Range Acquired in Part With Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Funds

 bullet Mapleton Land Disposal Draft Environmental Assessment

 bullet Ivins City Detention Basin Construction Project

bullet Native Trout Restoration and Enhancement Projects in Southwest Utah

bullet Piceance Property Exchange

Involving Lands and Water Rights Owned by Colorado Division of Wildlife and Shell Frontier Oil & Gas Inc.

bullet Six-Mile Unit of the Twelve Mile Big Game Deer Winter Range Southwest Manti Wildlife Management Area Land Disposal

bullet  Intermediate Endangered Species Habitat Improvement by Vegetation Removal in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska Segments of the Missouri River  

 bullet Yankton Sioux Tribe Fish and Wildlife Commission Federal Assistance Project U-8-NA


Last updated: May 14, 2009