Rural Round II Empowerment Zones

On December 24, 1998, five Rural Empowerment Zones were designated in the Round II Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community application process. Listed below are the most relevant portions of the plans for each rural zone.

Strategic Plans

  • Desert Communities Empowerment Zones (CA) (pdf file, 3,834 K)

  • Southwest Georgia United Empowerment Zone (GA) (pdf file, 4,877 K)

  • Southernmost Illinois Delta Empowerment Zone (IL) (pdf file, 7,559 K)

  • Griggs-Steele Empowerment Zone (ND) (pdf file, 3,872 K)

  • Oglala Sioux Tribe Empowerment Zone (SD) (pdf file, 4,345 K)

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