Small Business & Supplier Management Office

The Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is a multidisciplinary, multiprogram, research laboratory funded by the US Department of Energy and managed by the Regents of The University of California. The Laboratory's mission is to serve the nation's scientific and educational communities by providing scientific leadership in the the energy, general, computer and bioscience disciplines through research conducted within its unique facilities.


The Laboratory is committed to obtaining high-quality supplies and services, as specified by its customers, in a cost-effective, timely, and compliant manner. Inherent in this philosophy is a dedication to the highest standards of service, conduct and continuous improvement of our operations. Our goal is to foster a valued and professional partnership with customers, colleagues, and suppliers.

What's New

June 9 , 2009

Small Businesses are invited to participate in the 10th Annual DOE Small Business Conference held in August.