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View from the Lab

The Public Affairs Department serves Berkeley Lab’s scientific and educational missions by:

  • providing timely information and perspective about scientific discoveries to all of the Lab’s internal and external audiences, ranging from potential scientific collaborators to the general public
  • explaining the relevance and impact of these discoveries to improvements in the human condition and to the world’s energy security
  • seeking new ways to build strong partnerships with the surrounding community and to foster closer ties to the U.S. Department of Energy and other local, state and federal officials and organizations
  • advancing the cause of science education and science literacy through various educational outreach, teaching and training programs
  • serving as the first point of contact for media, individuals and organizations
  • expanding and enhancing the reputation of the institution through consistent branding and graphic identity
  • telling the Berkeley Lab story of innovation, imagination, practical application and science in service to global needs
  • representing and reflecting the Lab’s values of fairness, accountability and respect for the individual

Jeff Miller
Head, Public Affairs