Prepare now for floods


Serious flooding may occur in some areas of King County this winter. Homes, farms and businesses in the Green River Valley are particularly at risk. Residents should prepare now for the winter season. Subscribe to RPIN and receive alerts and updates during emergency events.

Are you ready?

  1. Make an emergency plan and assemble an emergency kit.
  2. Buy flood insurance now; it takes 30 days for a policy to take effect. Review your current policy; a standard insurance policy will not cover flood damage. Contact your insurance agent or use the link above.
  3. Purchase an inexpensive AM radio or NOAA weather radio with batteries in case of power outages for urgent news day and night.
  4. Monitor area news media for information if severe weather is predicted.
  5. Listen for alerts about evacuation routes or find the latest evacuation route information on this website.
  6. Monitor local road conditions and obey closure signs.
  7. Take medications and supplies with you, for those with medical needs.
  8. Be ready to relocate animals and livestock out of harm’s way.
  9. Minimize flood damage:
    • Store valuables and electronics higher on the ground floor, on the second story or in your attic.
    • Store chemicals above possible flood levels; recycle them or dispose of them at the King County Wastemobile.
    • Ensure underground storage tanks are sealed and secure.
    • Learn how to use sandbags and locate where you can buy or get them ahead of time if needed for flood fighting.
    • Move vehicles and equipment to high ground before flood waters rise.
    • Keep storm drains free of leaves and other debris.
    • Know who to call and how to protect yourself if flooding leads to sewage overflows into homes and businesses.


Flooding in the Green River Valley

prepare for flood Residents, businesses and farms below the Howard Hanson Dam in the Green River Valley should prepare now for a higher risk of flooding. Parts of Auburn, Kent, Renton, South Seattle and Tukwila—could be flooded and evacuations in some communities are possible.


Sept. 9, 2009, 6pm
Lower Green River Valley Public Safety Meeting
Green River Community College in Auburn

View a schedule of public forums and flood planning meetings by selecting "Green River Flood Planning" calendar.


Evacuation plans and routes are under development now. Check back in early September for detailed information.
