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Official Seal of the Federal Maritime Comission



NR 09-08


Hatsie H. Charbonneau, Director, Office of Human Resources, (202) 523-5773

FOR RELEASE: May 20, 2009 
          The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) is pleased to announce that the agency has received the 2009 Most Improved Small Agency Award, presented at a ceremony this morning to recognize the 2009 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government.  The Partnership for Public Service and American University's Institute for the Study of Public Policy Implementation created the Best Places to Work rankings to provide a comprehensive and authoritative rating of employee satisfaction across small and large agencies in the Federal government.

          Also impressive were the Commission's rankings for 5 categories within "Best in Class": 

Strategic Management  - 1st Place
Pay & Benefits – 1st Place 
Effective Leadership – 2nd Place 
Teamwork – 2nd Place 
Work / Life Balance – 3rd Place 

          The FMC's dramatic improvement of 28 percent moved it from 23rd place in the 2007 rankings to 6th place in the 2009 rankings of all small federal agencies.  The Best Places to Work in the Federal Government overall index score is calculated based on survey questions related to job satisfaction.  74.4% of Commission staff surveyed said they would recommend the Commission as a good place to work; 76% said they were satisfied with their jobs; and  79.2% said they were satisfied with the Commission as an organization.  The Commission's average score for these three key factors was 13.3% higher (76.6%) than the government-wide overall index score (63.3%). 

            Commissioners Creel and Dye accepted the award on behalf of the Commission at today's ceremony. Commissioner Creel stated, "The Commission's significant improvement is the result of a concerted and intentional effort to improve employee satisfaction. The FMC's two-pronged approach centers on employee engagement and work-life balance. Our strategy was carefully thought out and incorporated into a comprehensive human capital plan. This strategy was based, in part, on an ad hoc working group tasked with identifying quality of work life issues – and then figuring out ways to address them." 

          Commissioner Dye remarked, "My congratulations to all FMC employees, especially our SES management team, on whose behalf we accepted the award.""  She further stated, ""We have worked with our Congressional oversight committee's strong support to address their concerns and improve our performance."

          Commissioner Brennan stated, "It is a good feeling to know that people are happy with their jobs. It is wonderful to be part of a workplace that is ranked as one of the very best places to work in the Federal government."

          For a complete list of the Commission's survey results please visit the Best Places to Work Website. For more information about the FMC, its programs, and what makes the agency one of the best places to work in the Federal government, please visit our website:



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Press Contact: Karen V. Gregory, Secretary (202) 523-5725; e-mail: