[House Seal]

[Hawaiian Flag]
August 10, 2009
Abercrombie Advisory Task Force
Talks Healthcare to Obama Administration

Honolulu, Hawaii -- U.S. Representative Neil Abercrombie convened his Healthcare Advisory Task Force for the first time today and the Hawaii healthcare leaders spoke directly with one of the top healthcare experts in the Obama Administration.  Neera Tanden is Senior Advisor to U.S. Secretary of Health & Human Services Kathleen Sibelius in the Department's Office of Health Reform. 

Abercrombie established the Task Force following two community healthcare forums as a way to continue to focus attention in Washington, DC on Hawaii’s unique healthcare problems and challenges.  

Tanden took copious notes as Dr. Gary Okamoto of the Hawaii Medical Association, Tom Driskill of Hawaii Health Systems Corporation, Dr. Patricia Blanchette from University of Hawaii’s Clinical Education & Research Associates (UCERA), Coral Andrews of the Healthcare Association of Hawaii, and other Task Force members had the chance to tell the Obama Administration official what their organization viewed as major priorities for inclusion in a national healthcare reform plan.

Tanden was Director of Domestic Policy for the Obama Presidential Campaign, Legislative Director for former Senator, now Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and Vice President for Academic Affairs at the Center for American Progress.

(See video highlights of comments by some task force members on Congressman Abercrombie's YouTube channel.)
