Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA)
Also find Pick 5 for the Environment on EPA's site and other sites at http://www.epa.gov/pick5

Pick 5 for the Environment: Facebook Application

Commit to 5 out of 10 and share with your friends! Pick 5 Actions

Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA)

Sara Burkholder

Sara Burkholder I pledge to do my part! Garden safely, reduce electricity (unplug items not used regularly, collect and use rainwater for gardens and lawns, there are lots of easy things you can do ...

Michelle Swann

Michelle Swann
To help protect the environment, I pledge to:

Use less water! Take showers instead of baths, fix leaks, and turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. And buy efficient fixtures by looking for the WaterSense label.

Save electricity! Do a home energy au...dit, get programmable thermostats, buy Energy Star products, turn stuff off when you’re done, and change your bulbs to compact fluorescents.

Reduce, reuse, recycle! Try to find products with less packaging, take reusable bags on shopping trips, creatively reuse other products, and recycle what's left.

Enjoy the outdoors safely! Find out the quality of beach water from your state office and get the UV Index to protect yourself from the sun.

Spread the word! Teach others where you work or go to school. Share online by commenting on our blog, or sharing your photos and videos. Encourage people to Pick 5 for the Environment!

Pledged Thursday, August 13, 2009.
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Isabel Grafal

Isabel Grafal #3 electricity


Tamara I pledge to implement my Pick 5 starting with small steps at home.

Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA)

Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA) Hey, Pick 5ers, action #3 is "save electricity." Share your thoughts on how to do that in the summer in our blog's Question of the Week!

Source: blog.epa.gov
Keeping cool in hot weather usually takes energy - turning up the air conditioner, driving to a swimming spot, and more. But using more energy can affect the environment, too.
Five easy steps: 1) Turn off air conditioning, 2) Get cold drink from fridge, 3) Go outside, 4) Sit down in shady spot, 5) Drink.
July 27 at 10:26pm
air conditioning? What air conditioning? I am waiting for the tide to come up so I can soak in the 88 degree water....
July 28 at 1:02pm
GayLynn Johnson

GayLynn Johnson Yes, I'll give it a stab.

Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA)

Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA) Hey fans! Have you tried the Pick 5 app?

Source: apps.facebook.com
Leron Rabinowiz

Leron Rabinowiz
a message for all my friends the EPA is asking for your top 5 things to do for the environment...here's what i submitted, what would you?

the top 5 option are:
fruit, nuts, seeds, vegetables & grains

with those as your five you will: end world... hunger due to animal agriculture due to the inefficient use of water, grain, and soy which causes water/food shortages - not to mention the efficiencies in electricity and petroleum usage. Plus, a veggie diet can prevent: deforestation; soil degradation; oceanic dead zones; air and water pollution; climate change. And the list goes on like dramatically reducing health care costs (go to a hospital and ask who there is a vegetarian better yet vegan. Did I miss a point or two, let me know.Read More

Source: www.meatfreepetition.com
Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA)

Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA)
Hey folks, we're thinking about inviting everyone to write a short piece (200-300 words) on the various Pick 5 actions that we'd publish in our blog, Greenversations. For example, action 1 is "use less water." The concept is that ...Pick 5ers would write something about what they're doing, but instead of it just appearing here, it'd appear in our public blog. Would you participate?Read More

July 21 at 8:40pm
One way to save water is have barrels under the downspouts of your gutters, and use the runoff for watering your landscape. Saves having to pay that extra penny on the water bill. It cuts down on flooding, and reduces bugs in the area.
July 21 at 9:31pm
I would participate. The indoor environment is important to me and I would share my efforts and accomplishments so far...
July 22 at 6:21pm
Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA)

Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA) New video on why home builders are incorporating EPA's Indoor airPLUS specifications for new homes.

Source: www.youtube.com
Accessible version: http://www.epa.gov/indoorairplus/ EPA created Indoor airPLUS to help builders meet the growing consumer preference for homes with improved indoor air quality. To earn the Indoor airPLUS ...
This is great. The duct sealing alone keeps the vapor barrier tight. Demand ventilation based on indoor CO2 would further reduce energy usage.
July 9 at 3:16pm
Ramona Morgan
Ramona Morgan
Teaching assisting with an 8 hour HUD First time homebuyer class next week and its focused on Foreclosure purchaces. I'm teaching the Credit and Application process plus...the reason I'm doing the class is to Talk Energy and saving it on the maintaining your home and saving energy!!! I'm excited.
I iwll go over the Programs offered by the State of Missouri and offered by the Utility's.
July 11 at 6:58am
Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA)

Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA) Hey Pick 5ers! Option #4 is "reduce, reuse, recycle!" What do you do with your food waste? Let us know in response to our blog's question of the week: http://blog.epa.gov/blog/2009/07/06/qotw-food-waste

Learn more about food waste:

Source: www.epa.gov
Food leftovers are the single-largest component of the waste stream by weight in the United States. Americans throw away more than 25 percent of the food we prepare, about 96 billion pounds of food waste each year. ...
compost is great...we do it and it is helpful for everyone
July 9 at 1:16pm
Why don't we compost at work? (yes, at the U.S. EPA)
July 9 at 2:21pm
yes why don't we compost at work (Departement of Fisheries and Oceans Canada), a simple gesture
July 10 at 4:07am
Nina Morton Akindele

Nina Morton Akindele Encouraging friends and families to be environmental through http://livegreenspendless.blogspot.com/

Source: livegreenspendless.blogspot.com
I want to leave a lower carbon footprint, breathe cleaner air, drink cleaner water, keep this beautiful planet beautiful. I hope that this blog will help a few people to make a few changes. Living greener is easy and saves money. ...

Carolyn Here you go: Go Solar in the Sunshine State!

Hooray! Thanks for sharing your photo!
July 20 at 12:15pm
Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA)

Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA)
Let's try another experiment: take a picture of yourself holding a sign with some simple environmental action: "drive less" or "wear sunscreen" or "turn the lights off" or whatever you like. Nothing fancy necessary:... magic marker on paper is fine.

Then head to the EPA fan page and post it.

Need ideas? Try http://www.epa.gov/pick5
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Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA)
Pick 5 for the Environment (from the US EPA)
Tanner: you're right about some sunscreens. Look for those that are safe for reefs if you're going snorkeling or SCUBA diving.
July 9 at 1:10pm

Keya Help Save the Earth and read the Book "Green Goes With Everything" by Sloan Barnett