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Goddard's Speakers Bureau

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Colloquia and Seminars

Scout Recognition

The Goddard Speakers Bureau

GSFC Speakers' Bureau (GSB) is comprised of professional employees who represent the Center to civic, professional, educational, and other organizations when such engagements will not interfere with their primary duties. Members of the GSB are exceptionally qualified to discuss both the general and specific aspects of NASA/GSFC programs. Every effort is made to provide an appropriate speaker for each request. However, speeches and presentations given by the GSB personnel are usually confined to activities, programs, and technology relative to GSFC.

GSB provides speakers for the northeastern United States, which includes Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the District of Columbia. Speakers are provided at no charge, and cannot accept outside compensation or honorariums. Hosting groups are responsible for the speaker's travel expenses.

Speakers are available to discuss various topics:

Benefits from Space (Benefits from the Space Program)
Careers in the Space Program
Data Acquisition
Deep Space
Earth Sciences
Engineering Developments
Hubble Space Telescope
Laser Technology
Our Universe
Photography from Space
Planetary Exploration
Satellite Technology
Solar Studies

NASA speakers cannot participate in events of commercial nature, or where any group has been unlawfully segregated or excluded on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.

Requests for speakers should be directed to Rebecca Elliott at 301-286-8956, or by writing to:

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Office of Public Affairs, Code 130
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771

Please include your phone number when sending written correspondence.

Only requests received six to eight weeks in advance of an event can be considered. This consideration allows adequate notice for our speakers, ensuring minimal disruption to their work schedules, and provides adequate advance notice to the requester on speaker availability.

Colloquia and Seminars--schedules and information

Scout Recognition--updated Jan. 05, 2009

NASA recognizes Boy Scouts earning the prestigious Eagle Rank and Girl Scouts earning the prestigious Gold Award. To receive a congratulatory letter and certificate from NASA’s Administrator commemorating these distinguished achievements, please visit the following link:

Public Services section

Your interest in NASA and America’s space program is greatly appreciated.