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Hanford Advisory Board

The Hanford Advisory Board is an independent, non-partisan, and broadly representative body consisting of a balanced mix of the diverse interests that are affected by Hanford cleanup issues. As set forth in its charter, the primary mission of the Board is to provide informed recommendations and advice to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) on selected major policy issues related to the cleanup of the Hanford site.

The goal of the Board is to develop consensus policy recommendations and advice. When this is not possible, the Board will convey its recommendations and advice in a manner that communicates the points of view expressed by all Board members.

The Board is intended to be an integral component for some Hanford tribal and general public involvement activities, but not to be the sole conduit for those activities. The Board assists the agencies in focusing public involvement and make efficient use of Board member's time and energy. Through its open public meetings, advice on agency public involvement activities, and the responsibilities of Board members to communicate with their constituencies, the Board assists the broader public in becoming more informed and meaningfully involved in Hanford cleanup decisions.

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  Last Updated: 01/28/2009 07:00 AM
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