Federal Aviation Administration

Carry-On Baggage Tips

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  • |  Updated: 11:49 am ET January 14, 2009

Planning a trip?
Thinking about carrying on your luggage?
If so, here are a few tips for you:

Think Small...

  • The maximum size carry-on bag for most airlines is 45 linear inches (the total of the height, width, and depth of the bag). Anything larger should be checked.
  • No oversize packages or luggage can be stowed onboard.

Think Smart...

  • Plan to check more of your baggage and carry on less.
  • Check with your airline before packing to determine its carry-on guidelines regarding the number of items you may carry on and the maximum size of those items.
  • In certain situations the airline may require most or even all of your bags to be checked, so be prepared to do so.

Think Safe...

  • Carry-on items which may fall from overhead bins can injure you or other passengers during flight or in the event of an emergency evacuation.
  • Stow heavy items under the seat in front of you, not overhead.
  • Don't stack items in the overhead storage bin.
  • If an emergency evacuation is necessary, leave your carry-on items on the plane. Retrieving personal items may impede the safe evacuation of passengers.
  • Remember, be safety conscious when stowing your carry-on items.

Have a Question?

  • Call your airline or visit its website.
  • Check with your travel agent.
  • Visit the Air Travel section of the Transportation Security Administration website.

A public service announcement from the Federal Aviation Administration and supported by the Luggage & Leather Goods Manufacturers of America AFS-200-99-01