Federal Aviation Administration

New York/New Jersey/Philadelphia Airspace Redesign

Looking to the Future for the Future of Our Nation

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  • |  Updated: 11:37 am ET June 18, 2009

The purpose of the New York/New Jersey/Philadelphia Metropolitan Area Airspace Project is to increase the efficiency and reliability of the airspace structure and Air Traffic Control system and reduce delays while maintaining or increasing the safety of the National Airspace System. The Selected Project, Integrated Airspace Alternative with Integrated Control Complex with Mitigation, does this by combining high and low altitude airspace to create more efficient arrival and departure routes.

For over nine years, we conducted studies and evaluations that cover an area of approximately 31,000 miles, which included 5 states and 21 airports. This selection offers the most significant operational benefits and anticipates full integration of the airspace by 2012. Be sure to watch our video below which further explains our history and process.