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Niagara Erie Regional Coalition

The Organization

The Niagara Erie Regional Coalition is a partnership between government, private, and non-profit agencies committed to thinking and acting regionally for the betterment of Erie and Niagara Counties. The Regional Coalition is a non-hierarchical collaborative network.

Mission Statement

The Niagara Erie Regional Coalition is a non-traditional regional collaborative forum for linking multiple organizations and initiatives, and also serves as a catalyst to identify and pursue opportunities to grow the region.

The Regional Coalition's Positive Core

Topic Areas

The Regional Coalition concentrates its efforts in the areas of economic development, government affairs, tourism and culture, and transportation.

Within the aforementioned topic areas, we act as a venue for discussing and/or acting on a wide range of projects and policies initiated by member agencies or others, and we also initiate projects and policies ourselves. We play multiple roles as a clearinghouse, advocate, forum, coordinator, incubator, project manager, implementer, catalyst, supporter, and advisor.


The Regional Coalition is the successor to the Erie-Niagara Regional Partnership (ENRP). Formed in 1998, ENRP was an ad hoc subcommittee of the Niagara and Erie County Legislatures in partnership with multiple levels of government and other private and non-profit agencies.

Member Organizations