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• October 26 & 27, 2004

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2007 HWRFTM Forecasts
Thumbnail image and link to Hurricane Dean wind swath power point fileHurricane Dean Intensity Forecast (.ppt)
The Weather Research and Forecast system for hurricane prediction, e.g. the HWRFTM, became operational at NCEP in 2007. This advanced hurricane prediction system was developed at the NWS/NCEP's Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) to address the Nation's next generation hurricane forecast problems. The HWRFTM will have the capability to fully address the intensity, structure, and rainfall forecast problems in addition to advancing wave and storm surge forecasts. Also, continued advancements in track prediction will remain an important focus of this prediction system.
The HWRFTM is a high resolution coupled air-sea-land prediction model with a movable nested grid and advanced physics for high resolution. To address the totality of the hurricane forecast problems noted above, the HWRFTM will include coupling to a nested wave model that will eventually be coupled to a dynamic storm surge model. Additionally, the land surface component will also serve as input to hydrology and inundation models to address the hurricane-related inland flooding problem. For initialization of the hurricane core circulation, an advanced data assimilation method was developed at EMC that will make use of real-time airborne Doppler radar data from NOAA's high altitude jet to initialize the three dimensional storm scale structure. The usage of real-time data in the HWRFTM hurricane core, together with the higher resolution of the model, will allow for more accurate hurricane predictions of intensity and structure.
The current HWRFTM configuration is:
  • Movable, two-way nested grid 9km inner; 27km outer; 42 vertical layers; 75 x 75° domain)
  • Advanced physics (atmosphere/ocean fluxes; tested in GFDL - the "benchmark", NCEP GFS boundary layer and deep convection)
  • Advanced vortex initialization that uses GSI 3D-var (an advancement over GFDL bogus) assimilation of Doppler radar data to run in development parallel
  • Princeton Ocean Model (POM) (with loop current initialization - same as GFDL)

For future HWRFTM advancements see: 2008-2012 Hurricane Upgrade Plan
2009 Hurricane Season

Look here for real-time HWRFTM forecasts for the 2009 hurricane season (Note: Links open in new window)

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