NIOSH Strategic Goal 1

    Vonduct a targeted program of research to reduce morbidity, injuries, and
    mortality among workers in high- priority areas and high-risk sectors.


Disease and Injury

Allergic and Irritant Dermatitis
Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Fertility and Pregnancy Abnormalities
Hearing Loss
Infectious Diseases
Low Back Disorders
Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Upper Extremities
Traumatic Injuries

Work Environment
and Workforce

Emerging Technologies
Indoor Environment
Mixed Exposures
Organization of Work
Special Populations at Risk

Research Tools and

Cancer Research Methods
Control Technology and Personal Protective Equipment
Exposure Assessment Methods
Health Services Research
Intervention Effectiveness Research
Risk Assessment Methods
Social and Economic Consequences of Workplace Illness and Injury
Surveillance Research Methods


NIOSH Strategic Goal 2

    Vevelop a system of surveillance for major occupational illnesses, injuries,    
    exposures, and health hazards.


NIOSH Strategic Goal 3

    Vncrease occupational disease and injury prevention activities through workplace evaluations, interventions, and recommendations.


This page was last updated on May 26, 1998

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