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PICES/GLOBEC Symposium on Climate variability and ecosystem impacts on the North Pacific: A basin-scale synthesis.

Honolulu, HI.
April 19–21, 2006.

The primary scientific objective of this symposium is to present a synthesis of the effects of seasonal to multi-decadal variability on the structure and function of the North Pacific that goes beyond the analysis and understanding developed from studies of a single trophic level, process or region. Atmospheric forcing, ocean structure, and ecosystem structure and population dynamics vary on many spatial and temporal scales. Dominant temporal scales are diel, seasonal, interannual and longer. In the past ten to fifteen years, marine scientists have begun to document evidence that basin-wide or large-scale changes might be significant forcing for decadal to millennium-scale changes in marine ecosystems. In 1994, the PICES Climate Change and Carrying Capacity (CCCC) Program, a regional program of the IGBP/SCOR/IOC GLOBEC International, was developed to provide a framework for examining climate-ecosystem linkages, mostly on regional scales, but with plans for broader-scale, basin-wide synthesis, in the North Pacific.

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