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CPSC Offices: Executive Staff


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Office Email Fax
Office of the Executive Director
      Executive Director – Maruta Budetti
      Deputy Executive Director – Jacqueline Elder

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Please use our Contact Form

(301) 504-0121
(301) 504-0121
Office of International Programs and Intergovernmental Affairs
       Director - Richard W. O'Brien

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(301) 504-0137
Office of the General Counsel
      General Counsel - Cheryl A. Falvey

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(301) 504-0403
Office of Congressional Relations
      Director - Christopher Day

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(301) 504-7892
Office of the Inspector General
      Inspector General - Christopher Dentel

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(301) 504-7004
Office of Hazard Analysis and Reduction
      Assistant Executive Director – Jay Howell
      Directorate for Epidemiology
            Associate Executive Director - Russell Roegner
      Directorate for Health Sciences
            Associate Executive Director - Mary Ann Danello
      Directorate for Engineering Sciences
            Associate Executive Director - Hugh McLaurin
      Directorate for Laboratory Sciences
            Associate Executive Director - Andrew Stadnik
      Directorate for Economic Analysis
            Associate Executive Director – Gregory Rodgers

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Please use our Contact Form

Please use our Contact Form

Please use our Contact Form

Please use our Contact Form

Please use our Contact Form

(301) 504-0407

(301) 504-0038

(301) 504-0079

(301) 504-0533

(301) 413-7107

(301) 504-7702
Office of Compliance and Field Operations
      Assistant Executive Director – John “Gib” Mullan
      Deputy Director – Marc Schoem

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Please use our Contact Form

(301) 504-0008
(301) 504-0008
Office of Technology Services
      Assistant Executive Director – Patrick Weddle

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(301) 504-0121
Office of Public Affairs
      Director - Scott Wolfson

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(301) 504-7051
Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Enterprise
      Director - Kathleen Buttrey

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(301) 504-0107
Office of Financial Management, Planning, and Evaluation
      Director - Edward Quist

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(301) 504-0265
Office of Human Resource Management
      Director - Donna Simpson

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(301) 504-0432

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