U.S. Census Bureau

Census 2000 Data Products support

File Resources
Technical documentation PDF file help

File Technical Support
ASCII text data files PUMS SF4 SF3 SF2 SF1 PL94-171
Software-enhanced discs PUMS SF4 SF3 SF2 SF1 PL94-171
Technical Documentation PUMS SF4 SF3 SF2 SF1 PL94-171
Software tutorial
Summary of data extraction options
Frequently Asked Questons
Previous decades* 1990, 1980 and earlier

* File formats and software are different than 2000.

More Census 2000 Links
Census 2000 (also see Decennial Census below):
--Census 2000 Gateway
--Customer Information Exchange Page
--Data Products at a Glance
--Demographic Profiles
--Geographical Reference
--Group Quarters Population
--Plans and Operations
--Summary File 1 (SF 1) - Product Profile
--Summary File 3 (SF 3) - Product Profile
--Supplementary Survey
--Technical Documentation and Reports
--Testing, Experimentation, and Evaluation Program

Decennial Census:
--1990 Census
--American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Data and Links
--ESCAP Report (Executive Steering Committee for A.C.E. Policy)
--Historical Data 1790 - 1990
File Notes

** based on long form questionnaire (sample based estimates)
*   based on short form questionnaire (100% counts)

Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) ** can be used to create summary data tables down to the (PUMA) level from individual housing unit and person records. Please note that PUMS files from the American Community Survey are not Census 2000 data products.
Equal Employment Opportunity** (EEO) summary data include educational attainment and occupation by hispanic origin, race and sex down to the place level. See Census 2000 Special EEO File Questions and Answers (external site) and the Census Bureau EEO home page.
Notes on using summary file (see below) technical documentation Chapter 3 (Subject Locator) contains a list of demographic data tables by keyword. The Table Matrix Section of Chapter 7 (Data Dictionary) contains complete properly indented table information including the universe, headings and all data items. Original ASCII text data file users can use Figure 2-2 from Chapter 2 (How to Use This File) to identify the data file that contains a specific table. The Identification Section of Chapter 7 contains a complete list of geographic identifier fields. Chapter 4 (Summary Level Sequence Charts) contains code lists for SUMLEV and a list of available geographic components (GEOCOMP) for each summary level (area type for which summary data is available). See the Footnote Section of Chapter 7 for a code list for GEOCOMP.

Summary File 4** data are available down to the census tract level. Separate data sets are available for each of 336 population groups: the total population, 132 race groups, 78 American Indian and Alaska Native tribe categories (reflecting 39 individual tribes), 39 Hispanic or Latino groups, and 86 ancestry groups (see Appendix H of file documentation for a complete list).

Summary File 3** data are available down to the census block group. US Summary disc product profile
Summary File 2* data are available down to the census tract level. Separate data sets are available for each of 250 population groups: the total population, 132 race groups, 78 American Indian and Alaska Native tribe categories (reflecting 39 individual tribes), and 39 Hispanic or Latino groups (see Appendix H of file documentation for a complete list).
Summary File 1* data are available down to the census block part (based on county subdivision and place) level.
Public Law 94-171 Redistricting* data contains counts of both the total and voting age (18 and over) population by Hispanic Origin, Race and Sex.
Demographic Profiles are available down to the county subdivision and place levels. Data and report files, templates (for use with the ASCII text data files) and more information are available.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Administrative and Customer Services Division, Electronic Products Development Branch
Last Revised: August 03, 2009 at 08:54:53 AM