In KSCs Vertical Processing Facility, STS-82 crew members become familiar with some of the hardware they will handle on the second Hubble Space Telescope (HST) servicing mission. At far left center is Payload Commander Mark C. Lee; Mission Specialist Joseph R. "Joe" Tanner, in foreground, is facing sideways at far right. They and HST workers at the VPF are examining parts of the Multipurpose ORU (Orbital Replacement Unit) Protective Enclosure, known by the acronym MOPE. Lee and Tanner, along with fellow Mission Specialists Gregory J. Harbaugh and Steven L. Smith, will perform the spacewalks required for servicing and repair of HST, which was deployed nearly seven years ago and first serviced in 1993. STS-82 is targeted for a mid-February liftoff on the Space Shuttle Discovery. (Photo Release Date: mm/dd/yy )

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