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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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Illegal dumping is disposal of waste in an unpermitted area, usually in an open area, from vehicles along roadsides and late at night.  Materials typically include construction and demolition waste, abandoned automobiles, auto parts and scrap tires, appliances, furniture, yard waste and household trash.
Sites used for illegal dumping vary but may include abandoned industrial, residential or commercial buildings, vacant lots on public or private property and infrequently used alleys or roadways.  Because of their accessibility and poor lighting, areas along rural roads and railways are particularly vulnerable.  If not addressed, illegal dumps often attract more waste, potentially including hazardous wastes such as asbestos, household chemicals and paints, automotive fluids and commercial or industrial wastes.
Who is your typical illegal dumper?  There is no one profile, but offenders have included construction, demolition, remodeling, roofing and landscaping contractors; waste management companies and general hauling contractors, automobile repair and tire shops, scrap collectors, local residents and "do it yourselfers". 
Health Risks
Drinking water quality issues related to non-point source pollution (especially in areas with private wells)
Flooding caused by debris/wastes that clog drainage ditches and waterways
Habitat/breeding grounds for disease-carrying vectors
Indirect exposure to toxic chemicals/hazardous wastes
Inhaling pollutants carried by smoke from open burning (“burn barrels”, etc.) and dump fires
Direct contact exposure to sharp objects, medical wastes, caustic substances, and fire (especially a risk for children playing in the areas)

Environmental Risks
Groundwater and surface water contamination
Air pollution
Impact on wildlife and aquatic habitat

Financial Costs
Financial burden on taxpayers and utility ratepayers
Diversion of local staff and equipment resources from other local public needs (public works staff, police, public attorneys)
Increased law enforcement costs
Increased administrative costs
Private sector business costs
Private property owner cleanup costs
Property devaluation and potential loss of opportunities to develop land and attract additional business opportunities (such as tourism)
Lost disposal revenues at permitted public and private disposal facilities (illegally dumped waste bypasses billing system)
Reduced local government tax revenue from less successful permitted private disposal facilities (wastes bypassing billing system)

Aesthetic Costs
Offensive sights and smells
Negative perceptions of community values of residents
Negative perceptions of capital investment value by potential new businesses
4 Steps to Stop Illegal Dumping in Bernalillo County
1. Call the Bernalillo County Office of Environmental Health at 314-0310.
2. Have available the address of the location where the trash is or dumping is occurring.
3. Be able to assess what type of trash or substance is on the property.
4. Be prepared to give your name and phone number in case property cannot be located.

A County Environmental Health Inspector will go out to confirm exact location of the property and assess what is there.

The County's Office of Environmental Health will notify the property owner and hold them accountable for the clean up.

Property owner will be given a 30-day notice to clean up, or a criminal complaint will be filed.

Below is a list of frequently used numbers you may call to help dispose of unwanted items or trash or for reporting.
City Code Enforcement: 924-3850, County Zoning: 314-0350
New Mexico Air Quality Bureau: 476-4300 (Ask for Ronald Duffy)
City Animal Control: 768-1975, County Animal Control: 314-0280
For dead livestock: NM Services 877-6789, (Cattle & horses only, must call within 24 hours)
City Code Enforcement: 924-3850, County: 314-0310
Middle Rio Grande Conservancy Districts: 247-0234
County Zoning & Planning: 314-0350
Cordless phone batteries, 12 & 16 volt rechargeable batteries, no car batteries
Radio Shack, 1625 Rio Bravo Blvd SW (877-0110)
Don Reservoir, 117 114th St SW
Eagle Rock, 6301 Eagle Rock Rd NE
Loma Linda Community Center, 1700 Yale SE
Yard Waste - Free curbside pick-up twice a year, once in spring and once in fall.  Look for dates of collection in your spring and fall billing.
Household Hazardous Waste (FREE):
Paint, pesticides, cleaning solvents, batteries, etc
Rinchem, 6133 Edith Blvd NE (345-1650 or 998-4154)
Large Item Pick-up - Free to County Residents: 892-1200
Call 1 week before your scheduled pick up day - appliances, furniture, etc
5 gal per day in any container
Auto Zone, 2627 Isleta Blvd SW (873-9099)
Egg cartons, packaging materials, etc.
RASTRA, 4485 Irving Blvd NW (792-5554)
Osuna Trading Company, 5926 2nd St NW (345-2457)
El Toro Metal, 3000 Isleta Blvd SW (873-1266)
Mc Kinley Paper, 4600 Williams St SE (873-0440) - Paper & cardboard only

Solid Waste Convenience Centers:

South Side (Montessa Park) 873-6607, 512 Los Picaros Rd SE
(Sun-Sat, 8am -5pm) $3.50 a standard load (household waste)

West Side (Don Reservoir) 836-8757, 117 114th St SW
(Sun-Sat, 8am -5pm) $3.50 a standard load (household waste)

North Side (Eagle Rock) 857-2918, 6301 Eagle Rock Rd NE
(Sun-Sat, 8am -5pm) $3.50 a standard load (household waste)

East Side (East Mountain Transfer Station) 281-9110
(Sun -Sat, 7am -5:15pm) $3.50 a standard load (household waste, construction debris, everything but household hazardous waste).

To Report Litter: City Code Enforcement: 924-3850 County: 314-0310 State: 841-9450 KAFB: 846-3645
For More Information Call: 452-8525

South Valley Clean Environment Campaign (Rio Grande Community Development Corporation, Kalpulli Izkalli, and SouthWest Organizing Project)
South Valley Partners for Environmental Justice Community Advisory Committee
Funded in part by the South Valley Partners for Environmental Justice, National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences # 1R25ES10494-01A1