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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Child Health Extramural Research by State and Country


Principal Investigator: Amin, Ruhul
Title: Health Research Enhancement at Morgan State University
Institution: Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 09/30/03-09/29/06
Project No.: R24 HS11638
Summary: This project will focus on issues disproportionately affecting African-Americans in inner-city Baltimore and its surrounding areas, including teenage pregnancy, maternal and child health, school health, reproductive health, nutritional status, breast-feeding, infant and child mortality, and pre- and post-natal care among teen and disadvantaged mothers. Pilot studies to be conducted include: (1) breast-feeding promotion among inner-city minority populations; (2) The City of Baltimore's healthy start program; and (3) school-based comprehensive program for pregnant adolescents. This project seeks to improve community-based or school-based comprehensive preventive health care for medically underserved urban populations.

Principal Investigator: Carino, Tanisha V.
Title: The Role of a Regular Source of Care for At-Risk Youth
Institution: Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 09/01/00-08/31/03
Project No.: F31 HS00150
Summary: The applicant's long-term career goal is to conduct adolescent health services research. This pre-doctoral minority fellowship project seeks to: (1) determine whether there are disparities in the use of physician services among adolescents who differ in health-detracting and health-promoting characteristics; (2) to better understand the possible mediating role of having a usual source of care for these adolescents; and (3) to identify the characteristics of the usual source of care that lead to greater likelihood of use of physician services and receipt of preventive care.

Principal Investigator: Cousins, Diane
Title: Medication Error Reporting Systems: Challenges, Lessons, Future Direction—November, 2006 (Rockville, MD)*
Institution: U.S. Pharmacopeia, Rockville, MD
Project Dates: 09/01/06-06/01/07
Project No.: R13 HS016515
Summary: This conference will convene participants from 20 hospitals that have participated in the MEDMARX medication error reporting program for at least 5 years, along with other participants, to determine how hospitals have utilized medication error data in their efforts to improve patient safety. MEDMARX is an internet-accessible, subscription-based, and voluntary medication error reporting program used by more than 850 subscribing hospitals and health systems as part of ongoing quality improvement and patient safety activities. Conference discussions will address safety issues for all patients, including minorities, women, children and the elderly.

Principal Investigator: Duggan, Anne K.
Title: Postdoctoral Training Program in Family Health Services Research
Institution: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Pediatrics Department, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 07/01/08-06/30/13
Project No.: T32 HS017596
Summary: The Hopkins Department of Pediatrics will be expanding the School of Medicine's Family Health Services Research Program to include a focus on ambulatory care for families with children. The goal of this expansion is the training of the next generation of health services researchers in academic pediatrics. To accomplish this, the program will be designed to attract highly qualified individuals who have already completed an accredited professional degree relevant to pediatric health services research (i.e., a pediatrics, medicine, family medicine, or combined medicine-pediatrics residency or a doctoral [Ph.D.] program), particularly those who have the intellectual curiosity and research motivation that are in concordance with research interests of Hopkins' core faculty and other program resources.

Principal Investigator: Forrest, Christopher B.
Title: Alternative Healthcare Delivery Models for Children
Institution: Johns Hopkins University Department of Health Policy and Management, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 09/15/00-08/31/04
Project No.: K02 HS00003
Summary: This Independent Scientist Award is designed to assist Dr. Forrest in reaching his long-term career goal to conduct research that leads to improvements in the delivery of healthcare services to children and adolescents. The grant will support research to improve our understanding of the mechanisms by which managed care influences children's access to medical care, specialty care service use, and healthcare expenditures. The project will also develop and empirically test a conceptual model of child health and its linkages with healthcare services, and will examine the impact of alternative models of primary-specialty care collaboration on quality, costs, and outcomes for children with chronic physical and mental health disorders.

Principal Investigator: Grason, Holly
Title: Building Bridges for Child Health Research, Policy, and Practice
Institution: Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 07/01/00-06/30/01
Project No.: R13 HS10100
Summary: This one-day invitation conference was held to promote new collaborations between public maternal and child health (MCH) leaders at the state level and child health researchers, while at the same time promoting new collaborations and strengthening existing relationships among researchers interested in the study of pediatric populations. The conference engaged participants in focused discussions of specific contemporary challenges to child health research, practice, and policy as they relate to patient management, community interventions, research practice and systems, structure, and organization of services on a population basis. Those in attendance identified barriers to translating research into practice and developed strategies for overcoming these barriers. Dissemination plans include publication of two journal articles and two policy research briefs.

Principal Investigator: Kelen, Gabor
Title: Discharge Criteria for Creation of Hospital Surge Capacity*
Institution: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 09/30/03-09/29/05
Project No.: U01 HS14353
Summary: This study will develop a simple discharge planning tool for use during a biothreat or other public health disasters; test and refine the developed tool by simulation with real patient data; conduct a simulated disaster drill and compare patients designated for a safe discharge; and determine the ease of use and accuracy of application of the tool in the hands of treating physicians. This generalizable, validated method to pre-designate hospitalized patients for safe early discharge will have wide applicability in the nation's hospitals for the rapid creation of surge capacity in the event of a biothreat or other critical event. Data will be collected on patients of all ages, including children, minorities and women.

Principal Investigator: Lewis, Thomas
Title: Community HealthLink Care: Regional Electronic Medical Record*
Institution: Primary Care Coalition of Montgomery County, Silver Spring, MD
Project Dates: 09/30/04-09/29/05
Project No.: P20 HS014962
Summary: This study will (1) implement the health information technology infrastructure among community-based healthcare providers necessary to support a single, shared electronic medical record application for medically underserved patients in the national capital area, and (2) promote the community-wide exchange of patient information for clinical decision support, research and disease management on behalf of low-income, uninsured individuals and families.

Principal Investigator: Lubomski, Lisa
Title: Improving ICU Care and Safety through Evidence-Based Tools—June 16, 2006 (Baltimore, MD)*
Institution: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 03/01/06-02/28/10
Project No.: R13 H16216
Summary: This conference will be held annually, during a 4-year period. The goal of the initial meeting was the dissemination of tools and results that emerged from the AHRQ-sponsored project—Statewide Efforts to Improve Safety in Intensive Care Units (UC1 HS14246, the Keystone ICU project). Chief among the discussion topics at the initial conference: (1) evidence-based tools used to improve care and patient outcomes during the Keystone ICU project; (2) patient outcome improvements resulting from the use of the project-developed tools; and (3) implementing the tools emerging from the ICU to improve patient care and outcomes in other clinical settings. The conference focused on issues pertinent to all patient populations, including the elderly, women, children, racial and ethnic minority groups, low income groups, rural populations, and persons with special health care needs.

Principal Investigator: Milner, Susan
Title: SCHIP, Medicaid and Special Needs Children's Experience
Institution: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 09/30/03-09/29/04
Project No.: R03 HS13998
Summary: This dissertation project will examine differences in caregiver reported evaluations and experiences with health care between SCHIP and Medicaid children enrolled in HealthChoice, Maryland's combined Medicaid/SCHIP managed care program. Differences will be explored in both a random sample of children enrolled in State Medicaid health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and in a cohort of children with special health care needs. The HealthChoice's study population includes African-American, Asian and Latino participants.

Principal Investigator: Minkovitz, Cynthia
Title: Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Children's Health Care
Institution: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 09/30/02-09/29/03
Project No.: R03 HS13053
Summary: The aims of this project are to determine (1) whether maternal depressive symptoms are associated with children's receipt of pediatrics visits, hospitalizations, emergency departments visits, referrals for behavior/developmental concerns and immunizations; (2) whether associations between maternal depressive symptoms and children's receipt of services vary depending on the timing of symptoms; and (3) whether associations between maternal depressive symptoms and children's receipt of services vary depending on participation in the Healthy Steps program.

Principal Investigator: Minkovitz, Cynthia
Title: Parenting Effects of Healthy Steps: Health Care Utilization and Expectations for Pediatric Care
Institution: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 05/05/02-04/30/05
Project No.: R01 HS13086
Summary: This project will assess whether enhanced delivery of behavioral and developmental services in the first 3 years of life changes parental attitudes and practices when their children reach 5 years of age.

Principal Investigator: Nabors, Laura
Title: School Mental Health: Quality Care and Positive Outcomes
Institution: University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 09/01/99-08/31/01
Project No.: R03 HS09847
Summary: The purpose of the project is to examine the relationship between treatment process in school mental health programs and youth outcomes (including satisfaction). This project intends to test and refine several measures for assessing child outcomes (including satisfaction and resilience), to conduct focus groups with clinicians aimed at refining both clinician and youth-report instruments, and to track quality and outcomes for children receiving school mental health services over time.

Principal Investigator: Neumann, Peter J.
Title: Is Quality Care Cost-Effective? HEDIS 2000 Evidence
Institution: Harvard University and Project Hope, Bethesda, MD
Project Dates: 09/01/00-08/31/01
Project No.: R03 HS10709
Summary: This study will examine the extent to which quality measures used in the Health Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS) reflect cost-effective practices. The study takes advantage of a unique new database of cost-utility analyses and standardized cost per quality—adjusted life year (QALY) ratios. This project will include examination of child-relevant HEDIS effectiveness of care measures such as childhood and adolescent immunization status, as well as others that could impact children and adolescents: advising smokers to quit; followup after hospitalization for mental illness, and antidepressant medication management.

Principal Investigator: Page, Gayle
Title: Symptom Management: What Works, for Whom and at What Cost?—March 19, 2005*
Institution: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 03/18/05-10/17/06
Project No.: R13 HS15760
Summary: This conference explored research regarding the experience and management of unpleasant symptoms, demonstrated methods of assessing the associated cost/benefit of optimizing symptom management, and promoted academic/clinical collaborative efforts for research associated with this area. Experts provided a critical review of recent developments in the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of research and practice on improving the management of unpleasant symptoms, and presented current research on managing unpleasant symptoms. Conference proceedings will be disseminated to a broad audience of nursing scholars engaged in practice, research, and education.

Principal Investigator: Pronovost, Peter
Title: Statewide Efforts to Improve Care in Intensive Care Units*
Institution: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 09/30/03-09/29/05
Project No.: UC1 HS14246
Summary: The aims of this project are to implement and evaluate (1) the impact of the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program that includes the ICU Safety Reporting System; (2) the effect of an intervention to improve communication and staffing in ICUs; (3) the effect of an intervention to reduce/eliminate catheter related blood stream infections in ICUs; (4) the effect of an intervention to improve the care of ventilated IC patients; (5) the effect of an intervention to reduce ICU mortality. Investigators will partner with the Michigan Hospital Association, which has more than 130 Michigan hospitals, to implement a safety program and other interventions in a cohort of hospitals. Participating patients will represent a diverse population of children, women, and minorities, including African Americans. Children will be included in this study as several of the ICUs admit pediatric patients exclusively.

Principal Investigator: Riley, Anne
Title: Development of a Child Health Status Measure
Institution: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 08/01/1996-07/31/01
Project No.: R01 HS08829
Summary: This project will produce child health status instruments that reliably measure the health and illness profile of children ages 5 to 11. After development of the parent version and a pictorial version to obtain children's perspectives of their own health, the instrument sets will be tested systematically in geographically distinct populations with different racial and ethnic backgrounds.

Principal Investigator: Rose, Linda
Title: Implementing Family Programs in Psychiatric Settings
Institution: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 09/30/99-09/29/00
Project No.: R03 HS10378
Summary: This project will investigate the factors that influence whether families of psychiatric patients receive interventions when their relative is either hospitalized for an acute episode of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, or is receiving long-term management in a community-based treatment setting. Includes children, but is not entirely child-focused.

Principal Investigator: Sanders, Renata
Title: Effect of a Clinical Practice Improvement Intervention on HIV Testing in Sexually Active Adolescents
Institution: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 06/05/06-01/31/07
Project No.: HHSP233200600468P
Summary: This study will: (1) measure current HIV screening practices, and the provider and patient attributes predictive of screening; (2) design and implement a quality improvement (QI) activity to increase screening by addressing the malleable predictors in a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) framework; and (3) assess the impact of the QI program on HIV testing in adolescents ages 12-21 years in a high prevalence community. The PDSA model incorporates planning for change, executing the plan, studying the outcomes of the executed plan, and acting on the results.

Principal Investigator: Shaffer, Ellen
Title: Competition and Access to NICUS in California
Institution: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 09/30/98-09/29/00
Project No.: R03 HS10014
Summary: This dissertation grant project will examine the effects of competition among hospitals for obstetrical patients on availability of Level II/ II+ Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs), to determine how access varies by mother's insurance status, and to examine trends in transfer rates from Level II and lower care hospitals to Level III NICUs.

Principal Investigator: Stuart, Bruce
Title: Impact of MCO Policy on Quality of Pediatric Asthma Care
Institution: University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 09/30/98-09/29/01
Project No.: U01 HS09950
Summary: This study is: (1) determining the impact that transition from fee-for-service to managed care has on quality of treatment, quality of life, and health outcomes for indigent children with asthma; and (2) determining the impact that exposure to specific managed care organization policies have on processes and outcome indicators of care for pediatric asthma patients. The findings are expected to shed new light on how restrictive MCO policies affect quality and outcomes for children with asthma.

Principal Investigator: Witt, Whitney P.
Title: Family Influences on Children's Health and Healthcare
Institution: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Project Dates: 09/01/00-08/31/00
Project No.: R03 HS11254
Summary: This study will explore the relationship of two major family stressors, childhood disability and maternal depression, on the health and functioning of children and youth and on children's use of health and mental health care. In addition, the study will examine the impact of maternal mental health treatment, respite care, and child care services on child health status. The study will analyze data from the 1994 National Health Interview Survey Supplement on Disability.

*Project includes children or children's health care issues but does not focus exclusively on children.

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