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OMB Approval No. 0980-0141 Expiration Date: 11/30/2008


TITLE IV-E STATE PLAN - STATE OF ______________________________________________

I hereby certify that State legislation is necessary to comply with the plan requirements under title IV-B and title IV-E of the Social Security Act as amended by Public Law 110-351, the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008, which have been checked off below. I hereby further certify that State legislation is not necessary to comply with those plan requirements which have not been checked off below:

__ Development of health care oversight and coordination plans for children in foster care in consultation with the Medicaid agency and health care experts [section 422(b)(15)]

__ Due diligence to identify and notify adult relatives within 30 days of a child's placement in foster care [section 471(a)(29)]

__ Assurances that school-age title IV-E recipients are full-time students [section 471(a)(30)]

__ Reasonable efforts to place siblings together or provide ongoing interaction [section 471(a)(31)]

__ Good faith negotiation with Indian Tribes requesting the development of a title IV-E agreement [section 471(a)(32)]

__ Notification of prospective adoptive parents of Federal adoption tax credit [section 471(a)(33)]

__ Case plan inclusion of a plan for educational stability of the child while in foster care [section 475(1)(G)]

__ Case plan inclusion of a transition plan for youth emancipating from foster care [section 475(5)(H)]

Therefore, I do request a delay of the effective date for implementing the above requirements that are checked and do not request a delay of the effective date for implementing the above requirements that are not checked. The delayed effective date for the checked requirements will be _________________ (indicate N/A or the first day of the first calendar quarter beginning after the close of the first regular session of the State legislature that ends after October 7, 2009).


(Signature of Designated State Agency Official)



(Signature, Associate Commissioner, Children's Bureau)