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Adaptation Options Relevant to Estuarine Management Goals

adaption planningThe tables linked to below present climate change adaptation options for some of the major categories of management goals common to estuarine programs.

These tables are also available in the Climate Ready Estuaries Program's Synthesis of Adaptation Options for Coastal Areas (PDF) (32 pp, 1.2MB) (EPA, 2008), which provides a brief introduction to key physical impacts of climate change on estuaries and a review of on-the-ground adaptation options available to coastal managers to reduce their systems' vulnerability to climate change impacts.

Adaptation options are categorized according to the management goal they most directly affect or address. Some adaptation options may indirectly address other management goals. For example, many of the options that aim to maintain and restore wetlands will also indirectly contribute to maintaining the water quality of wetlands. Similarly, options that protect freshwater resources also indirectly maintain water availability.

Each option is organized according to the following categories:

Sources for Adaptation Options

Several reports were consulted for all of the adaptation options presented in this section of the site. These reports provide information on climate change impacts, guidance on adaptation, and examples of adaptation options currently being implemented.

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