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Section 26a of the TVA Act

Summary of 26a Regulations

September 8, 2003

18 CFR Part 1304: Approval of construction in the Tennessee River system; regulation of structures; residential related use on TVA-controlled residential access shoreland and TVA flowage easement shoreland.

Agency: Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Action: Final rule

Summary: This rule amends TVA’s regulations under section 26a of the TVA Act governing the construction, operation, or maintenance of any dam, appurtenant works, or other obstruction affecting navigation, flood control, or public lands or reservations along or in the Tennessee River or any of its tributaries.

The rule generally updates the existing section 26a regulations to include new sections governing underground and aboveground storage tanks, marina sewage pump-out stations and holding tanks, wastewater outfalls, development within flood control storage zones of TVA reservoirs, and requests for waivers or variances. The sections governing the application process and the handling of appeals are revised for clarity. The rules for nonnavigable houseboats are clarified, and a provision governing sanitation for nonnavigable houseboats is added.

In addition, new subparts incorporate into rules the “Shoreline Management Policy” (SMP) that was adopted by the TVA Board of Directors on April 21, 1999, and became effective on November 1, 1999.

Date: This rule is effective September 8th, 2003. TVA SMP standards, incorporated into the rule as subparts C and D of this part, have been in effect as internal TVA policy guidelines since November 1, 1999.

Address: Tennessee Valley Authority, Post Office Box 1589, 17 Ridgeway Road, Norris, Tennessee 37828.

Dated: September 8, 2003
Kathryn J. Jackson
Executive Vice President
River Systems Operations and Environment
Tennessee Valley Authority

Authority: 16 U.S.C. 831-831ee

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