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Stardust Name Campaign Zooms Past One Million Mark (August 6, 1998)

Comet-Bound Microchip Hits One Million Names (August 6, 1998)

Stardust Name Count Passes 500,000 Mark (July 2, 1998)

Names On Vietnam War Memorial Wall To Fly In Space (July 1, 1998)

More Than 200,000 Names Collected For Space Trip To A Comet (June 12, 1998)



Stardust was launched on February 7, 1999 carrying the two microchips. Two copies of each chip were installed on the spacecraft (for a total of four chips). Two of the microchips (#1 & #2) are inside the Sample Return Capsule, and was returned back to Earth with the capsule when it landed in Utah on January 15, 2006. The capsule along with the microchips have been transported to the curation facility at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas on January 17, 2006, where they currently reside. The other two chips are on the spacecraft body and will remain in space forever.

Below, we have a listing of all of the names submitted and that have been inscribed onto the microchips. The names are sorted alphabetically by last name for easy lookup. Note that there are two lists, so if you don't find your name in one list, be sure to check the other list.

To the genealogy people: we've been receiving a lot of inquiries from people researching their family trees and have who have discovered our microchip name listings. The names on the microchip were collected as a public outreach effort. We do not have any information or background on any of the people whose names were submitted, nor do we have any way of contacting these people


During October-November, 1997, we had our first name collection effort. Over 136,000 names were collected, and the names were etched on the microchip in December 1997. The chip was then delivered to Denver, Colorado where the spacecraft was being assembled. The microchip was inserted inside the Sample Return Capsule where it currently resides. A second copy of the chip was placed on the spacecraft body.

Find Your Name
Lookup your name on the first microchip

Zoom In on the Microchip
See the actual images and documents
up close on the first microchip


A second name collection effort was performed from May-August 1998. For the second microchip, we found a location on the back of the arm holding the dust collector for the chip to reside. We have collected over 1 million names for the second chip. Like with the first microchip, two copies were made, with one inside the Sample Return Capsule, and the other copy on the spacecraft body.

Find Your Name
Lookup your name on the second microchip

Last updated January 9, 2006

Photos Of Microchip #1 Inside The Stardust Sample Return Capsule
Photo of Microchip #1
Photo of Microchip #1
Location of the Microchips Inside The Stardust Sample Return Capsule
Location of the Microchips Inside The Stardust Sample Return Capsule





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