NCS News Releases

Employee Benefits in the United States

July 28, 2009
About 70 percent of workers in private industry had access to employer provided medical care benefits in March 2009. Only 25 percent of the lowest wage earners received such benefits, compared to the 90 percent of the highest wage earners. More...

Employment Cost Index (ECI)

July 31, 2009
Total compensation costs for civilian workers increased 0.4 percent, seasonally adjusted, from March to June 2009. For the year ended June 2009, compensation costs rose 1.8 percent with both components of compensation--wages and salaries and benefits--each rising 1.8 percent. More...

Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (ECEC)

June 10, 2009
Employers spent an average of $29.39 per hour worked for civilian compensation in March 2009. Wages and salaries averaged $20.49, and benefits averaged $8.90. Health insurance was the largest individual benefit cost at $2.37 per hour, which accounted for 8.1 percent of total compensation costs. More...

Current NCS News Releases