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High-Risk Drinking in College: What We Know and What We Need To Learn


“Battle of the Binge: A Fatal Night of Boozing at...”

The newspaper headline above is a college administrator’s worst nightmare. Behind its attention-grabbing words is a major public health problem: excessive use of alcohol by college students. The legal drinking age in the United States is 21, but heavy drinking by underage college students—and by those who are age 21 or older—is widespread, dangerous, and disruptive. Indeed, U.S. college presidents have identified alcohol use as their number one campus-life problem.

Excessive drinking among college students is associated with a variety of negative consequences that include fatal and nonfatal injuries; alcohol poisoning; blackouts; academic failure; violence, including rape and assault; unintended pregnancy; sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS; property damage; and vocational and criminal consequences that could jeopardize future job prospects.

An Entrenched Problem

The College Scene

Recommendations: Strategies to Reduce Student Alcohol Consumption


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Last reviewed: 9/23/2005

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