Disability.gov Education Feed Universal Course Design to Increase Retention and Completion Rates of Community College Students with Disabilities This project trains faculty who teach developmental courses how to integrate Universal Course Design (UCD) strategies into their courses. At the end of this project, 80 community college faculty will have universally designed over 240 developmental courses. As a result, approximately 3,200 students will be enrolled in universally designed courses, including approximately 1,660 students with disabilities. CIA Undergraduate Scholarship Program <p>If you are a high school senior planning to enroll in a 4-or 5-year college program, or a college sophomore enrolled in a 4-or 5-year college program, looking for career experience in a dynamic environment, apply to the CIA's Undergraduate Scholar Program. Applications will be accepted from <strong>August 1 - October 15, 2009.</strong> </p> College Guide for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Students Guide for prospective college students, their parents, high school guidance counselors and others involved with assisting students in finding the right college. The guide has information based on a survey of postsecondary programs serving deaf and hard of hearing students in the United States. $4.5 Million in Grants Awarded for Special Education Parent Information, Training Centers <p>The U.S. Department of Education announced more than $4.5 million in grants to operate 16 special education parent information and training centers in 14 states, including centers for American Indians and military families. Every state has at least one <a href="http://www.taalliance.org/ptidirectory/index.asp">parent center</a> that helps to improve results for children with disabilities. </p>