Disability.gov Health Feed Well Spouse Association <p>Offers a peer-to-peer support for the spouses and partners of people who are chronically ill or who have a disability. Find a support group in <a href="http://www.wellspouse.org/wsa-support-groups-and-state-contacts/sgl-contacts/">your state</a>. </p> VA to Simplify PTSD Compensation Rules <p>Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki has announced the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is taking steps to assist Veterans seeking compensation for <a href="http://www.nationalresourcedirectory.gov/nrd/public/DisplayPage.do?parentFolderId=37697">Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder</a> (PTSD). Under the new rule VA would not require corroboration of a stressor related to fear of hostile military or terrorist activity if a VA psychiatrist or psychologist confirms that the stressful experience recalled by a Veteran adequately supports a diagnosis of PTSD and the Veteran's symptoms are related to the claimed stressor. Comments on this <a href="http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E9-20339.pdf">proposed rule</a> must be received by <strong>October 23, 2009</strong>. </p> HHS Issues Rule Requiring Individuals Be Notified of Breaches of Their Health Information <p>New <a href="http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/understanding/coveredentities/breachnotificationifr.html">regulations</a> have been issued by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) requiring health care providers, health plans and other entities covered by the <a href="http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/understanding/summary/index.html">Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act</a> (HIPAA) to notify individuals when their health information is breached. The regulations require health care providers and other HIPAA covered entities to promptly notify affected individuals of a breach in the privacy of their records, as well as the HHS Secretary and the media in cases where a breach affects more than 500 individuals. </p> Caring From a Distance <p>Provides information, support and resources for long-distance caregivers. Find help using the organization's <a href="http://www.cfad.org/directories/index.cfm">service directories</a>. </p> HHS Announces $25.7 Million in Grants to Expand, Improve Health Centers <p>Health & Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has announced more than $25.7 million in grants to increase and improve health and support services at the nation's health centers. Patients receive care at <a href="http://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/">health centers</a> regardless of their ability to pay. The centers offer many forms of medical care including checkups, immunizations for children, dental care and prescription drugs, and mental health and substance abuse services. </p>