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small noaa logo Home | Other Agencies | Responding to Oil Spills

SOS Workshops

Science of Oil Spills (SOS) workshops (formerly known as Environmental Spill Response workshops) build skills in analyzing complex spill events and making risk-based decisions that maximize long term environmental benefit. They are designed for new and mid-level spill responders.

The workshops will cover:

  • fate and behavior of oil spilled in the environment.
  • an introduction to oil chemistry and toxicity.
  • a review of basic spill response options for open water and shorelines.
  • spill case studies.
  • principles of ecological risk assessment.
  • a field trip.
  • an introduction to damage assessment techniques.
  • determining cleanup endpoints.

To view the topics for the next SOS workshop, download the Agenda (link below).

Where and When

SOS workshops are held annually, usually in the spring at NOAA's Sand Point campus in Seattle. Workshop sizes are limited to allow for personalized instruction. Each workshop includes 3 days of training, beginning on Tuesday morning and ending on Thursday afternoon. There is no tuition for the workshop, however attendees are responsible for their own travel costs. The next SOS Workshop will be held November 3-5, 2009 at our Sand Point campus in Seattle.

To apply to participate in a workshop, complete and send in the SOS Workshop Application (available below).

For More Information

Application Form and Agenda
  • Application: SOS Workshop You can send your application several ways:
    1. Download and complete the form, then email it to
    2. Print your completed form, then fax it to 206.526.6329.
    3. Print your completed form, then mail it to the address shown at the bottom of the application.

    (Document format: binary/octet-stream, size: 312.0 K)

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