[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 29, Volume 4]
[Revised as of July 1, 2006]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 29CFR1625.12]

[Page 334-336]
                             TITLE 29--LABOR
                        Subpart A_Interpretations
Sec.  1625.12  Exemption for bona fide executive or high policymaking 

    (a) Section 12(c)(1) of the Act, added by the 1978 amendments and as 
amended in 1984 and 1986, provides:

    Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prohibit compulsory 
retirement of any employee who has attained 65 years of age, and who, 
for the 2-year period immediately before retirement, is employed in a 
bona fide executive or higher policymaking position, if such employee is 
entitled to an immediate nonforfeitable annual retirement benefit from a 
pension, profit-sharing, savings, or deferred compensation plan, or any 
combination of such plans, of the employer of such employee which 
equals, in the aggregate, at least $44,000.

    (b) Since this provision is an exemption from the non-discrimination 
requirements of the Act, the burden is on the one seeking to invoke the 
exemption to show that every element has been clearly and unmistakably 
met. Moreover, as with other exemptions from the Act, this exemption 
must be narrowly construed.
    (c) An employee within the exemption can lawfully be forced to 
retire on account of age at age 65 or above. In addition, the employer 
is free to retain such employees, either in the same position or status 
or in a different position or status. For example, an employee who falls 
within the exemption may be offered a position of lesser status or a 
part-time position. An employee who accepts such a new status or 
position, however, may not be treated any less favorably, on account of 
age, than any similarly situated younger employee.
    (d)(1) In order for an employee to qualify as a ``bona fide 
executive,'' the employer must initially show that the employee 
satisfies the definition of a bona fide executive set forth in Sec.  
541.1 of this chapter. Each of the requirements in paragraphs (a) 
through (e) of Sec.  541.1 must be satisfied, regardless of the level of 
the employee's salary or compensation.
    (2) Even if an employee qualifies as an executive under the 
definition in Sec.  541.1 of this chapter, the exemption from the ADEA 
may not be claimed unless the employee also meets the further criteria 
specified in the Conference Committee Report in the form of examples 
(see H.R. Rept. No. 95-950, p. 9). The examples are intended to make 
clear that the exemption does not apply to middle-management employees, 
no matter how great their retirement income, but only to a very few top 
level employees who exercise substantial executive authority over a 
significant number of employees and a large volume of business. As 
stated in the Conference Report (H.R. Rept. No. 95-950, p. 9):
    Typically the head of a significant and substantial local or 
regional operation of a corporation [or other business organization], 
such as a major production facility or retail establishment, but not the 
head of a minor branch, warehouse or retail store, would be covered by 
the term ``bona fide executive.'' Individuals at higher levels in the 
corporate organizational structure who possess comparable or greater 
levels of responsibility and authority as measured by established and 
recognized criteria would also be covered.

[[Page 335]]

    The heads of major departments or divisions of corporations [or 
other business organizations] are usually located at corporate or 
regional headquarters. With respect to employees whose duties are 
associated with corporate headquarters operations, such as finance, 
marketing, legal, production and manufacturing (or in a corporation 
organized on a product line basis, the management of product lines), the 
definition would cover employees who head those divisions.
    In a large organization the immediate subordinates of the heads of 
these divisions sometimes also exercise executive authority, within the 
meaning of this exemption. The conferees intend the definition to cover 
such employees if they possess responsibility which is comparable to or 
greater than that possessed by the head of a significant and substantial 
local operation who meets the definition.

    (e) The phrase ``high policymaking position,'' according to the 
Conference Report (H.R. Rept. No. 95-950, p. 10), is limited to ``* * * 
certain top level employees who are not `bona fide executives' * * *.'' 
Specifically, these are:

    * * * individuals who have little or no line authority but whose 
position and responsibility are such that they play a significant role 
in the development of corporate policy and effectively recommend the 
implementation thereof.
    For example, the chief economist or the chief research scientist of 
a corporation typically has little line authority. His duties would be 
primarily intellectual as opposed to executive or managerial. His 
responsibility would be to evaluate significant economic or scientific 
trends and issues, to develop and recommend policy direction to the top 
executive officers of the corporation, and he would have a significant 
impact on the ultimate decision on such policies by virtue of his 
expertise and direct access to the decisionmakers. Such an employee 
would meet the definition of a ``high policymaking'' employee.

On the other hand, as this description makes clear, the support 
personnel of a ``high policymaking'' employee would not be subject to 
the exemption even if they supervise the development, and draft the 
recommendation, of various policies submitted by their supervisors.
    (f) In order for the exemption to apply to a particular employee, 
the employee must have been in a ``bona fide executive or high 
policymaking position,'' as those terms are defined in this section, for 
the two-year period immediately before retirement. Thus, an employee who 
holds two or more different positions during the two-year period is 
subject to the exemption only if each such job is an executive or high 
policymaking position.
    (g) The Conference Committee Report expressly states that the 
exemption is not applicable to Federal employees covered by section 15 
of the Act (H.R. Rept. No. 95-950, p. 10).
    (h) The ``annual retirement benefit,'' to which covered employees 
must be entitled, is the sum of amounts payable during each one-year 
period from the date on which such benefits first become receivable by 
the retiree. Once established, the annual period upon which calculations 
are based may not be changed from year to year.
    (i) The annual retirement benefit must be immediately available to 
the employee to be retired pursuant to the exemption. For purposes of 
determining compliance, ``immediate'' means that the payment of plan 
benefits (in a lump sum or the first of a series of periodic payments) 
must occur not later than 60 days after the effective date of the 
retirement in question. The fact that an employee will receive benefits 
only after expiration of the 60-day period will not preclude his 
retirement pursuant to the exemption, if the employee could have elected 
to receive benefits within that period.
    (j)(1) The annual retirement benefit must equal, in the aggregate, 
at least $44,000. The manner of determining whether this requirement has 
been satisfied is set forth in Sec.  1627.17(c).
    (2) In determining whether the aggregate annual retirement benefit 
equals at least $44,000, the only benefits which may be counted are 
those authorized by and provided under the terms of a pension, profit-
sharing, savings, or deferred compensation plan. (Regulations issued 
pursuant to section 12(c)(2) of the Act, regarding the manner of 
calculating the amount of qualified retirement benefits for purposes of 
the exemption, are set forth in Sec.  1627.17 of this chapter.)
    (k)(1) The annual retirement benefit must be ``nonforfeitable.'' 
Accordingly, the exemption may not be applied to any employee subject to 
plan provisions which could cause the cessation of payments to a retiree 
or result in

[[Page 336]]

the reduction of benefits to less than $44,000 in any one year. For 
example, where a plan contains a provision under which benefits would be 
suspended if a retiree engages in litigation against the former 
employer, or obtains employment with a competitor of the former 
employer, the retirement benefit will be deemed to be forfeitable. 
However, retirement benefits will not be deemed forfeitable solely 
because the benefits are discontinued or suspended for reasons permitted 
under section 411(a)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
    (2) An annual retirement benefit will not be deemed forfeitable 
merely because the minimum statutory benefit level is not guaranteed 
against the possibility of plan bankruptcy or is subject to benefit 
restrictions in the event of early termination of the plan in accordance 
with Treasury Regulation 1.401-4(c). However, as of the effective date 
of the retirement in question, there must be at least a reasonable 
expectation that the plan will meet its obligations.

(Sec. 12(c)(1) of the Age Discrimination In Employment Act of 1967, as 
amended by sec. 802(c)(1) of the Older Americans Act Amendments of 1984, 
Pub. L. 98-459, 98 Stat. 1792))

[44 FR 66800, Nov. 21, 1979; 45 FR 43704, June 30, 1980, as amended at 
50 FR 2544, Jan. 17, 1985; 53 FR 5973, Feb. 29, 1988]